Educational and Leadership Consultation Program

ELC Visit at Massachusett Amherst
Delta Sigma Pi offers on-campus consultations for collegiate chapters to answer questions, assist with problems, and help chapters function more smoothly in every area of chapter operations. Does your chapter have an upcoming visit scheduled and you aren’t sure what to expect? Are you interested in serving the Fraternity while gaining professional experience and getting a chance to travel? Read on for more information about Delta Sigma Pi’s Educational and Leadership Consultation Program.

Who makes the campus consultations?

With in-depth training in every aspect of chapter operations and backgrounds with Delta Sigma Pi chapters around the country, the Fraternity’s Director of Chapter and Expansion Services, Educational and Leadership Consultants, and other Central Office staff members periodically visit each collegiate chapter for consultation and are available to assist chapters at other times as well. The Educational and Leadership Consultants—all recent graduates and alumni of Delta Sigma Pi—often spend up to 75% of their time during the academic year visiting chapters to offer assistance.

What does a campus consultation include?

When an Educational and Leadership Consultant visits your chapter, the goal is to improve your chapter’s operations. This looks different on every campus. A visit might include:
  • Meetings, training, and discussions about chapter operations, including topics such as:
    • Recruiting.
    • Financial management.
    • Professional programming.
    • Service events.
    • Risk management and conduct.
    • Academic encouragement.
    • Faculty and campus relations.
    • Alumni relations.
    • Motivation.
    • Time management, and more. 
  • Reviewing and updating chapter operating documents and reference materials, including financial records, membership records, and inventory of chapter assets. 
  • Promotion and discussion about membership benefits, the Leadership Foundation, and leadership opportunities.
  • Public relations meetings with business deans and student activities staff.
A campus consultation improves your chapter’s knowledge about national and chapter operations, provides new ideas for activities, and suggests resolutions to common challenges faced by student organizations.  As a result, your chapter becomes more well-rounded, dedicated, confident, and effective.

What else do Educational and Leadership Consultants do?

When they aren’t making chapter visits, Educational and Leadership Consultants stay busy! Their duties include:
  • Corresponding with collegiate and alumni members.
  • Helping to manage conferences.
  • Handling regalia inventory and repair.
  • Conducting reviews of the Pledge Education Program, chapter bylaws, and policies.
  • Giving office tours.
  • Maintaining and updating informational resources and handouts.
  • Assisting other Central Office staff.

How can I become an Educational and Leadership Consultant?

Delta Sigma Pi is always looking for qualified alumni to serve as Educational and Leadership Consultants. If you’re looking for a fun way to give back to the Fraternity, travel the United States, and gain great professional experience, the program might be for you!

Find out more about the consultation program or apply for a position by contacting Director of Chapter Services Tyler Havens by email or phone at (513) 523-1907, extension 221.