New Deltasig Chapters Coming Soon!

Mar 23, 2015 – Three new chapters in the Southern and South Central Provinces leads to an exciting time in Deltasig history!

The Board of Directors approved colony petitions for the University of Louisville in Kentucky, Jacksonville State University in Alabama, and Tulane University in Louisiana.

Delta Sigma Pi colonies hold regular meetings and host activities similar to that of a chapter while learning how Delta Sigma Pi functions. After a minimum of one year to an average of three semesters, the group of at least 25 committed individuals submit a petition seeking approval to become a chapter. The ‘Charter members’ or ‘Founders’ of the chapter then have a brief pledge program which leads into the celebration of an installation of the new chapter. If a chapter closes and a new colony forms on that campus, the chapter is reactivated, rather than installed, as it would be on a new campus.

Louisville Colony will be installed as Tau Upsilon Chapter on April 11, Jacksonville State Colony as Tau Phi Chapter on April 18 and Tulane Colony will be reactivated as Gamma Mu Chapter April 25. These installations and reactivation mark two important milestones in our history. These chapters will be the first installed Tau chapters in Delta Sigma Pi, and we will reach a record-high of active chapters.

If you have interest in attending any of the events, please contact Dale Clark for further details.

If you cannot attend, but would like to congratulate any of the chapters, please consider sending your wishes in a card or letter of congratulations to:
Delta Sigma Pi Central Office
ATTN: Dale Clark
330 South Campus Avenue
Oxford, Ohio 45056 

  • Expansion