Fraternity Board Meeting Minutes in Seconds

Feb 16, 2023 – The National Fraternity Board of Directors met January 28-29. Read the Minutes in Seconds for a quick summary of the meeting.


Minutes in Seconds from January 28-29, 2023 Board Meeting:

  • Following an educational development session with governance consultant Matt Fullbrook, the Board adopted a working definition of good governance as “intentionally creating effective conditions for making good decisions in our organization.” Based on these and prior conversations, the Board took numerous steps to improve the “conditions” by delegating authority and planning additional steps in these ways:
    • GP Cory Stopka delegated authority of approving assistance and discipline actions to the Executive Director, with the instruction to consult with RVPs while keeping PVPs informed.
    • Approved delegating the management, authority and development responsibility of CMP to staff, while providing direction for staff to begin work on developing new systems for tracking the health of a chapter.
    • Closed open CMP-related recommendations as being handled by the delegation to staff, but provided staff direction to remove the 20-member requirement in next year’s CMP metrics.
    • Approved delegating the management, development and execution of the awards program to the National Scholastic Development and Awards Committee, while retaining only a few specific program requirements in policy.
      • Prior to approving this change, the Board voted to remove the requirement that Chapter Advisor of the Year nominees must be members. This change aligns with recent practice.
        • Approved delegating the management, development and execution of the CDL program to the National Professional Development Committee, while a broad definition of learning outcomes remains within policy.
        • Removed the PVP “as head of the Provincial Discipline/Standards Committee”, appointing an independent provincial chair to manage individual discipline processes. Policy was also updated to remove the restriction to only select RVPs and/or Golden Council members to the Provincial Standards Committee.
  • Board discussed the future of chapter support in the context of regional boundaries, regional leadership and staff support of chapters.
  • Reviewed the results of survey to identify educational priorities. Staff will present the start of a broader educational plan at the March meeting.
  • Instructed staff to proceed with the Northwest Expansion project, allowing it to be budgeted in the 2023-24 budget.
  • The following policy updates were made related to chapter finances:
    • Endorsed a Leadership Foundation recommendation to allow chapters to use CLF funds to register for National events. 
    • Eliminated the required Congress Reserve Fund contributions beginning fall 2023.  Chapters will continue to receive previously paid funds as planned following the 2023 Grand Chapter Congress. Chapters will continue to have the opportunity to pay into a reserve fund for use to attend future GCCs, but it will no longer be required.
    • Eliminated the option for chapters to request exception to the policy preventing investment of chapter funds. The National Finance Committee has had numerous requests from chapters since this policy was put in place, but none have met the established standards.
  • The Board reviewed the status of the current fiscal year budget and discussed a draft of the 2023-24 fiscal year budget intended for vote at the March meeting. As part of that review, they gave the following directions and decisions:
    • Added $40,000 to the 2022-23 Special Projects Budget for new office furniture for the Central Office to accommodate the growing staff and evolution of work environment.
    • Approved policy to make the LEAD hotel reimbursement for all Board members consistent with policy for PVPs and RVPs. This policy change will go into effect July 1.
    • Approved Leadership Foundation grant request funding prioritization for 2023-24.
  • PGP Tricia Bonfrisco reviewed updates to the Candidates Beacon, which includes candidates being organized by Province and Region, headshots of candidates and reorganization of information provided. Bonfrisco also reviewed new process for candidates being able to email chapter officers directly, which will be permitted after March 15. 
  • Approved a 90-day suspension for Sigma Tau (Duke [NC]) to match University action while the institution reviewed allegations of trespassing, destruction of property and hazing. The Board also approved an additional 90-day suspension through 5/31/23.
  • Appointed Billy Markowitz as National Community Service Chair.
  • Approved Distinguished Service Certificate for Maria Ramos for her time and effort spent helping staff during the 2022 Grand Chapter Congress and for her continued assistance managing the banquet seating process.
  • Selected 2023 Lifetime and Career Achievement Award Recipients to be announced at a later date.
  • Announced the 2023 National Collegian of the Year, to be presented at an upcoming LEAD Provincial Conference.    

      To request a copy of the full meeting minutes, please email To submit a recommendation to the Board of Directors, please complete the official recommendation form and submit it via email to the Grand President and Executive Director.  Other ideas or suggestions may be sent to  If you’d like to get involved in a committee, please complete our volunteer interest form.

      • Fraternity Operations