The DELTASIG Magazine

As the official magazine of Delta Sigma Pi, every issue of The DELTASIG contains Fraternity information, inspiring ideas for how you can become more involved in the Fraternity’s activities, and helpful insights on navigating the world of business. If you have story ideas, submit them to the magazine.

March 2025 Spread

Who receives The DELTASIG?

Each issue of the magazine is available online to all members. Print copies are also mailed to:
  • Honorary and faculty initiates within the last five years
  • All National Honorary initiates 
  • Alumni contacts and current alumni chapter officers: President, Senior Vice President, VP-Pledge Education, VP-Finance,  VP-Chapter Operations, Chancellor,  VP-Professional Activities, VP-Community Service, VP-Scholarship and Awards, VP-Alumni Relations
  • The St. Louis alumni chapter 
  • Former staff members
  • National Fraternity officers
  • Golden Council members
  • Leadership Foundation donors given $5,000 lifetime total, given $500 in the last five years, or given $250 total without a good email address on file
  • Anyone who has made a donation in the last year
  • Living Legacy, District Directors, and Assistant District Directors
  • The Exchange List and Advisors
  • Potential Volunteers and CDL
  • Trustee Emeritus
  • New alumni members for the year following college graduation
  • Deans, Board members, Regional Vice Presidents, National and Provincial Committee chairs and members
  • Career and Lifetime Achievement Award recipients, Helmet recipients, 10-year Alumni Service Award recipients, and Deltasig of the Year
  • All previous year Collegians of the Year, and Chapter Collegians of the Year within the last five years 
  • Post Congress attendees, anyone who has attended a local collegiate event as an alumni in the last two years, and anyone who has attended a national event in the last five years 
  • Anyone who has watched an e-learning video in the last six months 
If you don't currently receive the magazine but would like to subscribe, you can find digital copies of The DELTASIG online, or request a hard copy. To renew your subscription, you may make a donation of any amount to the Leadership Foundation. Be sure your contact information is updated in Fraternity records so you will receive your magazine in a timely fashion.