National Delta Sigma Pi Service Initiatives 

MDDay Santa Claus

At the national level, Delta Sigma Pi promotes service initiatives every year that help the Fraternity make a larger impact nationwide. Collegiate chapters and alumni chapters band together in national initiatives to truly make a difference.

Benefits of Participating in National Service Initiatives:

  • Greater Access to Resources: When your chapter participates in national Delta Sigma Pi service initiatives, you have greater access to planning resources and ideas for projects.

  • National Community Service Committee: Delta Sigma Pi's National Community Service Committee outlines goals and projects, providing a clear framework for chapters.

  • Coordinated Efforts: In some cases, chapters around the country participate in related projects on the same day, alleviating scheduling concerns and creating a unified impact.

  • Tailored Initiatives: Chapters are free to tailor national initiatives to suit their communities, abilities, and availability, but can draw on national materials and ideas.

Literacy as a National Cause: 
Delta Sigma Pi has designated literacy as a national cause, recognizing its fundamental importance in personal and societal development. By focusing on literacy, the Fraternity aims to improve reading skills, financial literacy, health literacy, and more across various communities.

Make a Difference Day: 
It would be difficult for all chapters to participate in the same service event, but if we all participate in a service event on the same day, it gives our Fraternity a sense of unity and provides more impact to our communities.

*Chapters are encouraged to engage with any service opportunities and sites, however, "National Service Initiative" CMP credit will not be awarded for RMHC events beginning July 1, 2025.

Ongoing and Annual Projects:

  • Some national service initiatives may change annually, while others are ongoing. Making successful events an annual tradition helps you to constantly improve participation and results, while also taking advantage of groundwork laid in previous years.

By participating in these initiatives, you can help promote literacy and make a meaningful impact on your community. Join Delta Sigma Pi in giving back and making a positive difference in the world.