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Delta Sigma Pi Endowments

Grand Chapter Congress PGPs
The Delta Sigma Pi Leadership Foundation currently oversees many funds that have reached endowment status. To learn more about endowments, please contact the Leadership Foundation.

Currently Endowed Funds

Currently endowed funds include national, provincial, and regional scholarships, as well as the following endowments that fund broader Delta Sigma Pi programs and initiatives.
  • Building A Significant Endowment (BASE) Fund - supports operating costs (allowing more funds to be allocated for scholarships and grants.) 
  • Sean and Andrea Boyd Professional Development Fund - The national winner of the Outstanding Professional Activities award, along with the four provincial winners, receive grants to help chapters further their development in providing excellent professional activities. 
  • Mark Chiacchiari Leadership Fund – supports leadership education programs.
  • Dozier Leadership Fund – supports the educational and service goals of the Fraternity.
  • Randy L. Hultz Leadership Fund– supports national programs that build leadership skills in students and recent graduates.
  • Kathy Jahnke Volunteer Leadership Educational Fund – supports volunteer leadership events, such as the National Volunteer Leadership Retreat, and curriculum development for volunteer training materials.
  • Clyde Kitchens/Thoben Elrod COY Fund – supports the regional Collegian of the Year Award.
  • Norman Kromberg Leadership Fund – supports leadership education programs.
  • Claire and Mark Roberts Training For Volunteer Leaders Fund - provides an annual grant to the Fraternity in support of training and education for appointed or elected alumni leaders.
  • Bill and Sherry Schilling Fraternity Grant Fund - used to furnish grants to Delta Sigma Pi Fraternity.  This fund was established at the 20 year anniversary of Bill's employment as Executive Director in appreciation of the many opportunities and friendships gained through involvement in Delta Sigma Pi. 
  • Mitchell B. Simmons Fund – supports educational programs, including scholastics, leadership, personal development, ethics, and business skill development.
  • Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Sparks Fund – provides scholarships to Collegian of the Year Award winners.
  • William W. "Bill" Tatum Jr. Leadership Fund - provides a financial grant to a chapter who identified strength, creativity and innovation in their recruitment efforts.
  • Volunteer Development and Training Fund - provides grant to facilitate scholarships for volunteer leaders to attend national educational events and support volunteer development and training efforts and initiatives to enhance and oversee volunteer support for sustaining, monitoring and growing collegiate chapters.
  • Western PVP Provincial Conference Grant Fund - provides annual funding for educational development and programming at LEAD Provincial Conferences.
  • Jeffrey E. Zych Presidents' Academy Fund - provides an annual grant to the Fraternity to support Presidents' Academy. 
  • National Collegian of the Year Grant Fund - National Collegian of the Year Grant Fund was established January 2025 to celebrating 55 years of the COY program. This grant fund will support expenses related to the National COYs (while serving on the Board) including GCC, LEAD, other National educational events, and other professional development opportunities. 
Delta Sigma Pi endowments help to make the goals of the Fraternity and the Leadership Foundation a reality. You can designate tax-deductible gifts for these funds via our online giving form or contact the Foundation for more information.