Delta Sigma Pi Scholarship Key Awards

Thank you for your interest in the Delta Sigma Pi Scholarship Key. Due to unforeseen circumstances, our inventory of Scholarship Keys for the current year has been depleted. If you would like to recognize recipients on your campus even in the absence of the physical keys, please contact and we will be more than happy to issue certificates of recognition upon request. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.

Since 1912, at each school where we maintain a chapter, the Fraternity has awarded a Scholarship Key to the graduating student with the highest cumulative academic average in business administration or economics, regardless of affiliation with Delta Sigma Pi. The Scholarship Key is funded by Delta Sigma Pi’s Leadership Foundation and, in cases where two students tie for best academic average, the Foundation provides a second Scholarship Key.

The Scholarship Key medals are presented at the convocation or honors event of the school and chapter’s choice, often coordinated by the Dean’s office. The university or chapter may also choose to include a certificate with the Key. The presenting chapter gives a brief history of the Fraternity and describes the award and its significance. 

Scholarship Key recipients are listed on the individual chapter’s Scholarship Key Scroll and in a displayed book at the Fraternity’s Central Office.