Give to Support Delta Sigma Pi Scholarships

LF Scholarship Applications - Website 2025
The Leadership Foundation awards numerous Delta Sigma Pi scholarships every year, including general academic awards; national, provincial, and regional Collegian of the Year awards; chapter-specific grants; and grants to the Fraternity for specific awards. Many Deltasigs give generously to support specific scholarships. You can designate your tax-deductible gift for a particular endowment or for general scholarships, or contact the Foundation to learn more about a particular giving opportunity.

Current Delta Sigma Pi Scholarships By Provincial Designation

Find out more about scholarships available nationally or by province:
Delta Sigma Pi scholarship recipients benefit from your generosity, and we all benefit from the positive impact these future leaders have on our institutions, businesses, and communities. See the complete list of individuals who benefitted from Delta Sigma Pi Scholarships in 2024.