Individual Discipline Policy

Nu Tau 2024

The Individual Discipline Policy outlines the policies and procedures for upholding the standards of Delta Sigma Pi and its members, as well as helpful information on how to navigate the accountability process properly.

Hearing vs. Trials:

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  • Administrative Meeting: Meeting between the Chancellor (Hearing Manager) & Respondent to:
    • Present the allegation(s) submitted involving the Respondent
    • For the Respondent to accept or deny responsibility for any allegations
    • Identify potential mutual meeting times should a hearing need to be scheduled.
  • Allegation (previously “preferring charges”): An official written complaint, provided to the Chancellor (Hearing Manager), that alleges a member may have violated national or local Fraternity Ritual, bylaws, and/or Policy and Procedure.
  • Behavior Correcting Measures (previously part of penalties): Any guidelines/terms/conditions, set by a Hearing Panel that may accompany a hearing outcome to remedy/address the root cause of an allegation.
  • Chapter Standards Committee: Four or more (4+) trained individuals who may serve as members of a Hearing Panel.
  • Complainant (previously “accuser”): The individual(s) who allege violations of Fraternity Ritual, bylaws, and/or Policy & Procedure have been committed by another member.
  • Hearing (previously “trial”): Process conducted when a Respondent chooses to submit a response of “Not Responsible” to all allegations or who does not submit a response to an allegation.
  • Hearing Advisor: The individual who serves as a coach for the Hearing Panel during a hearing. This individual should be the chapter’s District Director, Assistant District Director or Chapter Advisor. If none are available, an alumni member familiar with the hearing process may be appointed to support the Hearing Panel by the DD and/or RVP. This individual is not a collegiate member, nor will they have a vote in the process, or interfere with the process. They are present to ensure the Policy and Procedures are followed and the hearing is completed fairly and impartially.
  • Hearing Outcome(s) (previously “penalties”): The Hearing Panel’s chosen course of accountability for those found responsible, per Fraternity bylaws (penalties), resulting from a Respondent being found responsible for an allegation.
    • Reprimand: A written notice to identify a violation and to correct a fault.
    • Fine: A sum of money paid by the member after being found responsible for a violation. The specific amount and due date for payment must be set during the hearing.
    • Probation: A period of time during which the member must meet certain specific obligations or requirements. The specific conditions of the Probation must be included in the motion approving a Probation. See the “Best Practices” section of this manual for potential behavior correcting measures.
    • Suspension: Temporary removal of the member from the chapter; the member is no longer recognized as a participating member and not allowed to attend any Fraternity function. The specific length of time of the Suspension must be stated. Should the member be serving in an officer role at the time of Suspension, they may return to office after the Suspension as long as the term has not been completed. National Fraternity dues are still owed for any brother on Suspension. See the “Best Practices” section of this manual for potential behavior correcting measures. (Note: should the chapter wish to simply remove a member from office, they should reference the impeachment and recall section of the National Policy and Procedures Manual for those processes.)
    • Expulsion: The Respondent is no longer a member of Delta Sigma Pi.
  • Hearing Panel: The three (3) individuals that conduct a hearing, one (1) of which is the Chancellor.
  • National Standards Committee: Committee of trained individuals appointed by the Board of Directors with the primary responsibilities of development of training for all standards committee levels and serve as an appellate to the Chapter or Provincial Standards Committee.
  • Provincial Standards Committee: Committee of trained individuals appointed by each Provincial Vice President with the primary responsibilities of serving as a review and hearing body for allegations of alumni and collegiate allegations what may involve sexual harassment/misconduct/assault.
  • Respondent (previously “accused”): The individual who is alleged to have violated Fraternity Ritual, bylaws, and/or Policy and Procedure.
  • Responsible/Not Responsible (previously “guilty/not guilty”): Outcomes determined by a Hearing Panel regarding allegations. A Respondent has the opportunity to submit a response of Responsible or Not Responsible to allegations during the Administrative Hearing.
  • Support Person: Brother permitted to attend a hearing as moral support to either the Complainant or Respondent. A Support Person may not speak on behalf of the party they are supporting.
  • Witness: An individual who can provide an accurate recollection of an allegation.

Policies for Discipline of an Individual

Additional processes specific to reviewing allegations by a collegiate chapter or provincial standards committee can be found in their specific sections in the guide. Additionally, specific processes for appeals can be found in the Appeals section of the guide. Processes for the individual discipline of a member of the Board of Directors have been omitted from the guide and can only be found in the National Policies and Procedures Manual.

Hearing Process

Allegations of violations by alumni members will be directed to the Provincial Standards Committee via the Chair. A hearing process for an alumni member should follow a similar process, unless otherwise noted, as a collegiate chapter. For an Alumni Review Process, substitute the role of Chancellor with the Chair of the Provincial Standards Committee.

National Standards Committee

Committee of trained individuals appointed by the Board of Directors with the primary responsibilities of development of training for all standards committee levels and serve as an appellate to the Chapter or Provincial Standards Committee.