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Delta Sigma Pi Fraternity Songs

Delta Sigma Pi songs are a wonderful tradition dating back to the earliest days of the Fraternity. From member education to chapter meetings to national Delta Sigma Pi events, our songs link Deltasigs to their identity as part of the Fraternity tradition.

Rose of Deltasig

Rose of Deltasig (audio file)
Words and Music by Paul H. Coughlin, Mu Chapter

Flow'rs that bloom in life's fair garden
Blossoming bring thoughts of life and love,
You can see their petals falling
As the season's days roll by;
The fairest flower in the garden
Budding with a life that ne'er will die,
Is a flower that we love so dear,
The Rose of Delta Sigma Pi.


Rose of Deltasig I love you,
Rose of Delta Sigma Pi,
When the shades of night are falling I dream of days gone by;
As I go thru life's long journey,
Memories will never die,
I will always hear you calling,
Rose of Delta Sigma Pi.

Rose of Delta Sig

Yours Fraternally in Delta Sigma Pi

Words and Music by William F. Gregory, Theta Chapter

From coast to coast we may proudly boast
Of a love that exists in us all,

It comes from above and it rests like a dove

In the heart of ev'ry brother in this hall;
You'll realize, it is no small size,
Since dear old Deltasig shone in our nation's eyes,

It has built universities, and welded men with high degrees,

And that's the aim of our fraternity.

Delta Sigma Pi! Delta Sigma Pi! What a meaning has this name,
For it signifies ev'ry man would die

To uphold its rights and fame;
And we all help one another,
We call each one a brother,

It's the spirit!

Yours fraternally;
In Delta Sigma Pi!

A helping hand goes to ev'ry man

Who is willing to share in our cause,
Our path is not hard for its leader is God
And our principles are founded on His laws
In this great fold of the purple and gold

Are brothers who show friendliness and courage bold

You will find them stationed in all lands from frigid zones to tropic sands,

These are the men of our fraternity.

Yours Fraternally in Delta Sigma Pi