Alumni Development Committee Summary

Dec 01, 2014 – Learn more about the Alumni Development Committee's initiatives, accomplishments, and goals.

What is the purpose of the Alumni Development Committee?
The purpose is to nurture lifelong relationships with and among current and future Delta Sigma Pi alumni by offering programs of relevance and service to alumni and thereby creating long lasting support for the Fraternity using four fundamentals: existing alumni chapter development; cultivation of new chapters; successful transition of collegiate brothers to alumni brothers; further engagement of existing alumni brothers in the Fraternity.

What are our initiatives for this biennium?

  • Promote Alumni Forums at LEAD schools and provincial conferences (led by provincial chairs) 
  • Review Alumni programming 
  • Identify opportunities for better retention and engagement of alumni 
  • Conduct focus groups and/or surveys of alumni to collect information on current and desired alumni experiences
  • Explore potential for meetings or engagement of Golden Council members
  • Recommend additional Hub functions for alumni chapters

What have we accomplished?

  • Alumni Forums are now a part of alumni programming at every LEAD Conference, LEAD School, and Grand Chapter Congress.
  • Alumni Chapter Recognition Program with Bronze, Silver, and Gold levels was rolled out in July 2013 to alumni chapters as a way to be recognized by going beyond the franchising requirements.
  • Various email communications were sent to engaged alumni, and all alumni, that focused on Fraternity updates and magazine promotions.
  • Targeted email communications were sent to recent graduates, graduating seniors, and Golden Council members, focusing on alumni outreach, engagement, and opportunities.
  • Webinars and presentations on best practices, recruitment, alumni relations, and alumni chapter recognition program continue to be conducted and updated on Deltasig E-Learning.
  • Alumni resources continue to be reviewed and introduced, including the new Alumni Chapter District Director Guidelines.

What lies ahead?

  • VPAR and CMP recommendations to elevate VPAR priority were submitted to the Board for review.
  • A joint recommendation by the Alumni Development and Professional Development Committees to pilot programming geared toward meeting various needs of our alumni audiences at an upcoming LEAD event was submitted to the Board for review.
  • Faculty email communication focusing on engagement and opportunities will be sent to chapter advisors in Spring 2015.
  • Alumni Forums are planned for Spring 2015 LEAD conferences and 2015 Grand Chapter Congress.
  • Best Practices session will be held at 2015 Grand Chapter Congress.
  • National Alumni Day promotion will be extended to a week with daily alumni spotlights.


  • Fraternity Operations
  • Alumni