Preparing for Alumni Chapter Elections

Mar 21, 2015 – Some alumni chapters have a smaller pool of members to hold officer positions. Work with your members now to prepare your chapter for upcoming elections.
Alumni Chapter franchising begins soon and it is important for alumni chapters to begin preparing for officer elections and transitions now. How do you know who will make good officers? We’ve all had experiences when we thought someone would do a good job but didn’t live up to expectations. If they haven't served in the past, now is a great time to test the waters.

1) Give them an assignment, whether it is coordinating an event or helping on a committee. If they have a specific office in mind for next year, align the assigned activity with their chapter aspirations.
2) Check in with them along the way. Are they open to other people's suggestions? Can they ask for help? Do they have a plan?  Are they using existing resources and creating new resources when none are available?
3) Did they communicate with others? Be sure that they not only communicated with the executive committee, but also with any team members, event contacts, and the chapter as a whole. Did the chapter know what was happening in a timely fashion?
4) Did they execute? Did their plan come to fruition?
5) Did they evaluate and learn from their own experience? Was the event successful? What would they do differently next time?
6) Are they willing to take that experience and try it all again?

Chances are that if they accomplish the six steps above well, then they'll make good officers.

Good luck with your transitions! Check our Alumni Chapter Resources for more information.
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