As a marketing major with a psychology minor, she said the Day of Ga

mes Fan Clubs Representative stood out to her and she decided to apply. "I must admit that the application process was a bit daunting," said Palardy. A second interview - a one-way video interview - was challenging. She says she aced it by practicing and preparing. "I sat on my couch wearing a nice shirt, practiced recording myself a few times to check my mannerisms and tone and went for it. I was only allowed to record each answer once, and I could not play them back."
In the end, she landed the job. To prepare for the interview and stand out among other interviewees, Palardy created a portfolio. "I'm a visual person. I like to draw things out and I can't do that on a resume," she said. While I was talking about my previous experience, I was also showing it (logos I created for a conference, screenshots of a website I revamped for an internship, etc.). The other step I took, which I'm embarrassed to admit, was creating flashcards of the players and their positions.
Her advice for others applying for high-demand internships and jobs? Be confident. "Don't be afraid," said Palardy. "If you go through the process confidently like you belong there, dreams can become reality. Prepare, do your best and differentiate yourself. Then hope for the best, and keep going." She also believes that asking unique questions can leave a lasting impression, recalling asking her interviewer about his most memorable moments at Fenway Park.
At her internship, Julia worked six hours every game. "The experience was incredible," said Palardy. "It's hard to be at Fenway and not be in a good mood, even when the team is losing. If you know Boston sports, you know that fans are the most die-hard, dedicated people. I'm unbelievably grateful to have been part of it every game."
She also attributes aspects of her professional growth to being a brother. "Being a brother made me confident. From dressing up for professional activities to networking with speakers at events, I was able to practice and further my development as a young professional. Delta Sigma Pi has helped me grow my network and has allowed me to grow naturally and gradually without pressure."
After graduation, Palardy hopes to secure a full-time position in the Boston Red Sox Marketing Department. No matter where she ends up, she says, "Either way, I'll be living in Boston and doing the best I can in my position."
If you have an exciting internship experience you would like to share, please email a summary and high-res photos to