Tennessee Chapters Connect

Jan 03, 2020 – Brothers from Memphis Alumni and Christian Brothers (TN) gathered at the university for a Founders' Day/Friendsgiving gathering.

Nearly 20 brothers (both collegiate and alumni members) were in attendance. Memphis Alumni VPCR Nolan Hickey says of the event, "It was the biggest turnout for the alumni chapter in a very long time." 

All brothers played a role in the successful gathering, some bringing food, arranging supplies, organizing, promoting the event, and more. According to Nolan, everything was planned down to the seating arrangements, chosen specifically to facilitate new connections. "We arranged the seating so everyone sat near people they did not know, in hopes of creating a friendship and starting a network. In addition, the chapters had a display board, showcasing chapter operations and recent community service and professional initiatives to the other chapter."

As the alumni chapter's VPCR, Nolan understands the importance of bridging the gap between collegiate and alumni chapters, and the power of doing such. "It is extremely beneficial for collegiate members to meet local alumni to really reiterate that Delta Sigma Pi is not just four years, but for life," he says. "The event allowed the collegiate members to meet brothers who have been in their shoes and are now working in a field they are studying today or aspire to work in one day. Showcasing the diverse talents and achievements proves what can happen from being in Delta Sigma Pi and remaining active after graduation." 

Members of the Memphis Alumni Chapter spent time over Founders' Day with Christian Brothers (TN) members for an evening of networking and celebrating brotherhood.