Volunteers Needed

Dec 04, 2020 – We are looking for Deltasigs who love to read about our rich history to volunteer for a magazine indexing project.

We are looking for volunteers to read through issues of The Deltasig, noting important articles or news, and write a brief summary of each issue. While there are over 350 issues to index, the best part of the project is the opportunity for volunteers to take on as many, or as few, issues as they would like, and work at their own pace. 

Our magazine is like a portal into the past and an extremely beneficial timeline for leaders, members and staffers alike to search through and reference. And although you can already access and search all past issues of the magazine at dsp.org/thedeltasig, the new project will streamline the search process, as well as give visitors brief summaries for each issue to help them better find the information they seek.

If you or someone you know is interested in volunteering to help review old issues and catalog articles, please email marissa@dsp.org
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