What do a senior analyst, registered nurse, global lead solutions engineer, former CEO/executive director, senior account manager, firm administrator and business development manager have in common? Besides all being brothers, they all served Delta Sigma Pi as an educational and leadership consultant (ELC).
Historically, ELCs spent the majority of their time visiting and offering guidance and training to our collegiate chapters. While the visiting has become mostly virtual this year, the sharing of information and advice remains central to the role. Other duties include corresponding to collegiate and alumni members, regalia inventory/repair, conducting
reviews of the Pledge Education Program/chapter bylaws/policies, giving office tours, helping manage conferences, maintaining and updating informational resources and handouts and assisting other Central Office staff members.
Karin (Grant) Brown (2004-2005)

Karin Brown,
Central Florida, lives in Charlottesville, Va. with husband Tim, their two kids, and two cats. She credits her time as a consultant for helping her conquer a big fear. “I’ve typically been introverted and shy my whole life. When I became a consultant, I had to learn how to overcome my fear of speaking in front of others, or at the very least manage it enough to be an effective speaker”, says Brown. One of her favorite consultant roles was helping set up events. “There was one event where I was the first staff member to arrive at the hotel and had to meet with hotel event staff to get everything set up. It felt great to be so trusted.”
She currently works as a registered nurse on the mother-baby floor of UVA Medical Center, caring for families post-delivery. Skills that helped her succeed as a consultant – time management, planning ahead, adapting to new and unexpected situations and leading others—are just as crucial in her current role. “I had to learn how to function fairly independently as a consultant and know when to reach out for help when needed,” says Brown. “As a charge nurse at night time, there usually isn’t a manager there so we use our knowledge and experience to make the best decisions.” Karin loves providing emotional support for and coaching new parents, even in some sticky (and stinky!) situations. “It’s always funny when parents get peed, pooped or spit up on for the first time. I like to joke that they’ve been initiated as parents.”
Delta Sigma Pi is always looking for qualified alumni to serve as ELCs! If you’re looking for a fun way to give back to the Fraternity, travel the United States, and gain great professional experience, this program is for you! For more details, or to apply, contact Associate Director of Chapter Services Tyler Havens (
havens@dsp.org or 513-523-1907 x221).
By: Stacy Heyderhoff,
Cincinnati Alumni