ELCs at Their Finest (Series)

Mar 16, 2021 – Since the start of the program, there have been nearly 50 ELCs (with several variations of the title over time). Let’s catch up with Jim Leingang!

What do a senior analyst, registered nurse, global lead solutions engineer, former CEO/executive director, senior account manager, firm administrator and business development manager have in common? Besides all being brothers, they all served Delta Sigma Pi as an educational and leadership consultant (ELC).

Historically, ELCs spent the majority of their time visiting and offering guidance and training to our collegiate chapters. While the visiting has become mostly virtual this year, the sharing of information and advice remains central to the role. Other duties include corresponding to collegiate and alumni members, regalia inventory/repair, conducting
reviews of the Pledge Education Program/chapter bylaws/policies, giving office tours, helping manage conferences, maintaining and updating informational resources and handouts and assisting other Central Office staff members.

Jim Leingang (1992-1994)

Jim LeingangJim Leingang, Truman State (MO), lives in Chesterfield, Mo. with wife Andrea, sons Noah and Owen, and dog Baylee. He’s a member of the St. Louis Alumni Chapter. Leingang has many fond memories of time spent with staff members Dean Ferguson and Dale Clark and fellow consultants Kathy Skrobot and Carla May Tousley, including the 1993 Grand Chapter Congress in Anaheim and a training trip to Louisiana. He remembers the challenges of navigating life on the road pre cellphones and Internet! “While on the road in Arizona, I got an interesting message at my hotel from one of our predecessors, Lynnette Servaes. She told me the hotel I was supposed to stay in California was no longer open, due to the great Northridge earthquake! Dean and Dale didn’t prepare me for that one!” He also learned a lot from the role. “Although we have many similarities in Delta Sigma Pi, every chapter is different, and what works well for one chapter, may not be the best fit or great solution for another.”


Jim is a senior account manager with Strategic Staffing Solutions (S3). He has to frequently communicate with all kinds of people, cultures, and backgrounds -- a skill he learned as a consultant. It also made him better prepared to listen, learn, and share solutions. Leingang finds his job very rewarding. “We’ve been blessed to put 60+ people to work since the start of the pandemic.”


Delta Sigma Pi is always looking for qualified alumni to serve as ELCs! If you’re looking for a fun way to give back to the Fraternity, travel the United States, and gain great professional experience, this program is for you! For more details, or to apply, contact Associate Director of Chapter Services Tyler Havens (havens@dsp.org or 513-523-1907 x221).

By: Stacy Heyderhoff, Cincinnati Alumni