Lethal Light is about a deadly Russian plot to unleash widespread cancer on America uncovered by an unsuspecting geologist and his team of roughnecks while drilling for natural gas in Iceland. On a whim, Briggs Stevens invites a beautiful new
acquaintance to travel with him to Iceland. A hiking accident quickly spirals into a lifesaving rescue for his friend and exposes a battalion of Russian soldiers involved in a covert operation to destroy the ozone layer above New England. One soldier
agrees to help Briggs rescue his friend in exchange for asylum to America, and in the process, helps to ignite a love interest between Briggs and his friend that lasts beyond the waters of Iceland. Powerful leaders use the Arctic landscape to set
the stage for a new Cold War between the U.S. and Russia. A surprise coup d’état develops in Russia and causes precious time to be shortened for a solution to avoid a thermonuclear holocaust.

Gordon is a retired Certified Financial Planner living on Hilton Head Island, South Carolina. Although he graduated from University of Florida with a degree in Business Administration, his love of the English language and the usage of descriptive
words has fostered a renewed interest in personal growth through writing. He has always been a voracious reader throughout his adult life with an interest in novels written by John Grisham. Although he began writing this book back in 1981, the Pandemic of 2020 allowed him to finally finish it.
"My father (Gordon Fair, Sr.) was a Deltasig and encouraged me to look into membership during my undergraduate work at the University of Florida," said Gordon. "I decided to join after only a few meetings due to the warm feeling of acceptance brought on by the members of the Beta Eta chapter. The chapter's community projects and positive approach to inspiring leadership growth made me glad I decided to become a Deltasig."
Learn more and order your copy of Lethal Light at https://gordonhfair.wixsite.com/lethal-light.