Delta Sigma Pi Leadership Foundation Founders' Day Challenge

Sep 17, 2021 – The Delta Sigma Pi Leadership Foundation will host our first Founders' Day Challenge campaign on November 7 and 8.

We are pleased to announce that the Delta Sigma Pi Leadership Foundation will host our first Founders’ Day Challenge fundraising campaign, beginning at 12:01 a.m. Sunday, November 7 and ending at 11:59 p.m. (EST)  November 8 for two days of giving.  The 2021 Founders' Day Challenge will be used to raise money for each Chapter’s Leadership Fund.  The Leadership Foundation is now recruiting alumni Ambassadors to help with fundraising.

Ambassadors have a simple, yet important mission - spread the word about Delta Sigma Pi days of giving to your social media networks. Ambassadors will have access to content, images and badges to utilize in their posts and will help ensure the success of the Deltasig Leadership Foundation's day of giving by increasing the  number of alumni, friends and parents who donate to the Foundation through peer-to-peer social media and email. We also invite and encourage each chapter to participate via their Fundraising Chair and/or President.  Each chapter will have an individual page set up to accept donations for their CLF.  If you are interested in serving as a fundraising Ambassador and/or have additional questions about this campaign, please contact Jeanine Triplett at