Congratulations to Our Award Winners!
We would like to recognize each award winner for their hard work, determination, and success over this past year. Watch the Regional and Provincial Award winners the Regional and Provincial Award winners and join us in congratulating the following national individuals, alumni chapters, and collegiate chapters:
National District Director of the Year: Richard R. Boner

National Chapter Advisor of the Year: Niyati Kataria

R. Nelson Mitchell Outstanding Collegiate Chapter Award: Gamma Psi (Arizona)

Most Improved Collegiate Chapter: Rho Sigma (California-Santa Barbara)

Outstanding Service Award for a Collegiate Chapter: Kappa Tau (Clemson (SC)

Outstanding Professional Activities Award for a Collegiate Chapter and Outstanding Financial Operations Award for a Collegiate Chapter: Iota Rho (Howard (DC)

Outstanding Alumni Relations Award for a Collegiate Chapter: Delta Iota (Florida Southern)
Outstanding Scholastic Development Award for a Collegiate Chapter: Pi Psi (CUNY-Baruch)

Outstanding Alumni Chapter: Los Angeles

Most Improved Alumni Chapter and Outstanding Service Award for an Alumni Chapter: Long Beach-Pier 9

Outstanding Professional Activities Award for an Alumni Chapter: Reno Sierra Nevada

Outstanding Collegiate Relations Award for an Alumni Chapter: Kansas City

Congratulations to all the 2021National Award Winners and good luck on next year’s awards!