Originally from New Jersey, she continued her education at George Washington University and served an instrumental role in the founding of Xi Rho Chapter. She currently works in event planning and logistics as a certified meeting planner and the founder
of Innovative Meetings, LLC.
Recently, Brother Ramos was showcased in a collection of stories about incredible women in the book, “Women Who Shine,” one of eight in the Inspired Impact series organized by publisher Kate Butler. The idea of “Women Who Shine” is a collaborative effort between 30 women, all telling the stories of how they became who they are today. The goal behind it is women empowering and inspiring other women to continue to take bold, new steps on their journey of finding themselves within their passions.

“A servant leader in her community and network, Maria Ramos has over 20 years in the meeting industry, and has produced events, meetings and conventions spanning the social, medical and association industries. As an independent planner, Maria engages
with colleagues throughout the event industry, collaborating on large-scale conventions and events. Maria reflects on her journey and shares her story to finding her career as a certified meeting professional in Women Who Shine.”
Maria has made an impact beyond her career. She has also served as a longtime volunteer, webinar presenter, and event planner for Delta Sigma Pi. “I developed a lot of internal insight and motivation through my collegian experience. [I’ve developed] a lifetime of brotherhood and friendships. Not just as a collegian, but also as an alumni. It’s
not just four years of brotherhood, it’s a truly a lifetime. My time in the chapter helped me become who I am today. I never served in a leadership role in my chapter, but I was always active in committees and helping with activities and being
able to do these things for the chapter helped me frame what I wanted to do professionally,” Maria said.
Maria’s advice to younger Deltasigs is “Just do it, whatever it is. If it feels right, and you're hesitant, don’t psych yourself out. You'll never know what you can do until you try it out. And always go with your gut, you can do whatever
you put your mind to.”
Her book “Women Who Shine” is available on Amazon.