During the Saturday banquet of the sixth Congress of Chapters held at the Beta House in Chicago on September 15-17, 1922, "Yours Fraternally in Delta Sigma Pi” was presented by William F. Gregory, Detroit-Mercy. The song, which was
written and composed by Brother Gregory, was referred to the Board of Directors for adoption for the official Fraternity song “if they so deem it advisable”, which it must have been—at least for a short while.
The November 1925 issue of The Deltasig lists copies of the “Official Fraternity Song” for 50 cents each, listed on the inside back cover as Yours Fraternally in Delta Sigma Pi. The first edition of the song was copyrighted
two years earlier in 1923 and a second edition with a copyright “claimed on new words”, including a second verse was copyrighted in 1928.
In November 1925, The Deltasig solicited for submissions of Fraternity songs from across the nation for the purpose of creating an official Fraternity songbook. According to the ad written by chairman of the Fraternity Songs Committee, Harold J. Potter, “Our
Secretary says that the singing chapter is the successful chapter. We have promised H. G. that 1926 will have a real Deltasig song book.” This may be why Yours Fraternally was eventually dedicated to Gig Wright.
The same issue included a short article soliciting songs about Delta Sigma Pi, in which can be found the offer of “suitable compensation” being made for any song accepted by the Committee on Songs. This, at least in part, explains why
a payment was made for the Rose of Deltasig in 1926. In the February 1926 edition of The DELTASIG, the Committee on Songs reported a partial list of songs they had so far received: Deltasig Campus Day, Rose of Deltasig, The Deltasig
Gig, Back Again, My Deltasig Gal, and Delta Sigma Pi. Yours Fraternally continued to be listed as the official Fraternity song both in this edition and in the May 1926 edition.
By the end of 1926, it was noted “the Fraternity has purchased the copyright and publishing rights of the song entitled Rose of Deltasig, the words and music of which were written by Brother Paul H. Coughlin of Mu Chapter and this
song is now one of our official songs.” A contest had been held in which Rose of Deltasig was selected as the official song. You can still purchase sheet music containing both Rose of Deltasig and Yours Fraternally from the Central Office.
Yours Fraternally in Delta Sigma Pi
From coast to coast we may proudly boast
Of a love that exists in us all,
It comes from above and it rests like a dove
In the heart of every brother in this hall;
You’ll realize, it is no small size,
Since dear old Deltasig shone in our nation’s eyes,
It has built universities, and welded men with high degrees,
And that’s the aim of our fraternity.
Delta Sigma Pi! Delta Sigma Pi! Delta Sigma Pi!
What a meaning has this name,
For it signifies every man would die
To uphold its rights and fame;
And we all help one another,
We call each one a brother,
It’s the spirit! Yours fraternally; In Delta Sigma Pi!
A helping hand goes to every man
Who is willing to share in our cause,
Our path is not hard for its leader is God
And our principles are founded on His laws.
In this great fold of the purple and gold
Are brothers who show friendliness and courage bold
You will find them stationed in all lands from frigid zones to tropic sands,
These are the men of our fraternity.
Delta Sigma Pi! Delta Sigma Pi! Delta Sigma Pi!
What a meaning has this name,
For it signifies every man would die
To uphold its rights and fame;
And we all help one another,
We call each one a brother,
It’s the spirit! Yours fraternally; In Delta Sigma Pi!