College football incites passion for many. Whether it’s pride in your home state or community, reliving the glories of past championships or relishing the crisp air of a Saturday fall afternoon, the sport resonates with many. It certainly does for
Ben Chase, Florida. Growing up in the Orlando area, his fascination with the game began when, as a kid, he was regularly given free tickets for games at Central Florida, and he became a member of the team’s Goalpost Gang. And, as a
student at Florida, where SEC football is more religion that diversion, his passion for the game grew.
When he left a job at the end of summer, with a new role not beginning until January, Ben seized an autumn with a wide-open schedule and embraced the chance to take the trek of lifetime. Crisscrossing the country, Ben attended 77 games and 115 teams nationwide,
which ranged from matchups at super-sized SEC stadiums to NCAA Division II schools. And, he never left a game early.
“I wanted to absorb as much of the home team’s fan experience as I could,” Brother Chase said. “In most cases, I wore their colors in the stands. Going into this trip, I believed that college football and the passion it stirs among
fans brought people together, and my travels certainly confirmed that. I met some incredible people during my travels.”
Also, Ben didn’t fly from game to game. His white van, which he affectionately called Betty White, served as his primary means of transport. At one point during his nationwide journey, Betty needed repairs. Undaunted, Brother Chase rented a car
– in which drove 6,500 miles in 12 days – and resumed his itinerary.
During his quest, Ben visited the nation’s oldest stadium at Harvard (built in 1903), and its newest, Snapdragon Stadium at San Diego State. He also experienced the searing heat of Alabama’s September game against Texas, where the heat index
in Austin topped 100 degrees, and the blustery cold of the Armed Forces Bowl contest between Air Force and Baylor, where soft drinks froze inside spectators’ cups.
Despite his frenetic schedule, Ben managed to attend three weddings during football season (thankfully, each occurred on a Sunday). Two of the weddings involved Deltasig brothers; Brother chase reflected on the Fraternity’s important role In his
collegiate career.
“Transferring to Florida from a junior college, I only two years in school, so I leaned it to Delta Sigma Pi and my relationships there,” Ben said.