Learn more about the Collegiate Advisory Committee.
Sydney Sampson-Webb, Wisconsin-Milwaukee 
Major: Marketing
What inspired you to join Delta Sigma Pi? Brothers in Delta Sigma Pi are doers who make a difference in school, workplaces and the community. I was inspired to join Delta Sigma Pi to make a difference and make an impact. I love networking
and building relationships, so I was excited and inspired by the robust community, professional connections, and lifelong friends. After all, “it’s not four years, it’s for life.”
What is your overarching career goal? I want to work in corporate digital marketing, specifically search engine optimization (SEO). Eventually, I would love to open my own bakery business in my hometown. Throughout my career, I want to develop to be a
mentor and inspiration for young professionals, paying forward the help and guidance I've received from mentors in my life.
Myles Sanford, Indiana State

Major: Marketing
In what ways has the brotherhood in Delta Sigma Pi benefited you? Connections, connections and more connections! The brotherhood is just one big family and I love that you can go to anyone within the Fraternity and they automatically
treat you that way. The networking opportunities and diversity this Fraternity has offered have been beneficial. Wherever I go, there is a brother there to welcome me.
What is your primary career goal? I want to be a prominent figure in the field of sports management and marketing, working with multiple NCAA schools and NBA teams, making an impact for each of them. I also want to be involved in marketing
Anna Schenecker, Kansas

Major: Business Analytics, minor in Human Resources
In what ways has brotherhood in Delta Sigma Pi benefited you? I would say Delta Sigma Pi and this concept of brotherhood has benefitted me because it has held me accountable. Having a support system where I can be vulnerable
and make mistakes sometimes helps me adhere to my commitment to the Fraternity. I have become a better professional, chapter officer, friend and brother because Delta Sigma Pi has held me to a higher standard. I am surrounded by high-achieving brothers,
business professionals and role models. Given my competitive nature, this has also inspired me to give it my best shot. I have accomplished more than I thought was possible for myself within my chapter.
What is something your brothers would be surprised to learn about you? I was a teaching assistant for Introduction to Bowling this past semester. This is funny because my bowling average is 22, and I somehow beat out 50 other candidates
for this position.
Over the next few weeks, we will be sharing more about current Collegiate Advisory Committee members. Who knows? A future Grand President or two may be among them!