New Region Created in Northeastern Province

May 25, 2023 – In February, the Northeastern Province approved to add a new North Atlantic Region.


Regional boundaries were redrawn within the Province to bring the eastern side of the Niagara Region (Albany, NY chapters) and the western side of New England Region (Western MA, CT, Vermont, and Southern RI) into one new region.

This decision was made based on a number of factors. One of the biggest reason was to allow for more equal distribution of resources as the area continues to grow. This change drives sustainability for further expansion efforts and manageable regional sizes for volunteer leadership. Last fall, the New England Region had 11 collegiate chapters, one startup group, and two alumni chapters. With the anticipated growth in the states encompassing the New England Region, it is important to expand resources by dividing the work between two Regional Vice Presidents. The creation of a new region with a new RVP role ensures the collegiate and alumni chapters in these areas get the engagement and support needed to be successful. Geographical boundaries do not prevent chapters from working together. In fact, chapters are encouraged to interact across their own region and with other regions.  

Discussions about adding a region have been ongoing among area leadership since fall 2021. Discussions started with delegates at the 2022 Special GCC in Cleveland and continued with chapter presidents and District Directors affected by the change throughout the fall and during the fall 2022 LEAD School. The final proposal was discussed and voted on at the 2023 Northeastern Provincial Council meeting where it was approved.

The new North Atlantic Region goes into effect on July 1. Election for a Regional Vice President for the new region will occur at Grand Chapter Congress with the rest of the RVP elections.

New England Region Niagara Region North Atlantic Region
Comprised of the chapters in Maine, New Hampshire, Massachusetts east of I-495, Rhode Island north of I-95 and north of I-195. Comprised of the chapters in New York (except chapters south of I-84 in New York City and west of I-87), northeastern Pennsylvania (north of Interstate Highway 80 and east of Route 219).
Comprised of the chapters in the in Massachusetts west of I-495, Rhode Island south of I-95 and south of I-195, Connecticut, New York east of I-87 and Vermont.
Active Collegiate Chapters: Gamma (Boston University), Gamma Upsilon (Babson College), Lambda Tau (Bentley University), Xi Phi (University of Massachusetts-Boston), Xi Psi (Bryant University), Sigma Omega (Northeastern University) and Omega Upsilon (Providence College). 
Active Collegiate Chapters: Alpha Kappa (University at Buffalo), Epsilon Lambda (Rochester Institute of Technology), Kappa Lambda (Binghamton University), Xi Tau (Syracuse University), Omicron Rho (Cornell University) and Omega Psi (St. John Fisher College). 
Active Collegiate Chapters: Zeta Psi (University at Albany),
Theta Iota (University of Connecticut), Theta Upsilon (Siena College), Nu Sigma (Roger Williams University), Pi Rho (University of Massachusetts-Amherst), Phi Chi (University of Rhode Island).


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  • Fraternity Operations