The Fraternity made history by hosting its inaugural Presidents' Academy in 2019 and continues making history in its second year, establishing itself as a leadership development program that prepares business students for the evolving world.
During Presidents' Academy, chapter presidents had the opportunity to network with other presidents from across the country. These relationships will help them be stronger leaders for our Fraternity. From left: Bryan Garmon, Valparaiso (IN), Cameron Helm, Rutgers-Newark (NJ), and Victoria Huynh, Hawaii-Manoa.
Ed Fuller, Wake Forest (NC) donated for the second year copies of his book, You Can't Lead With Your Feet On The Desk: Building Relationships, Breaking Down Barriers, and Delivering Profits, to all Presidents' Academy attendees. Having previously worked as Marriott International's President and Managing Director of International Lodging for more than 20 years, he has attended and presented at Deltasig events, including the 2012 National Volunteer Retreat and received his Golden Helmet in 2018 for his continued support to Delta Sigma Pi.
Curriculum utilized the use of
Birkman Method®, a behavioral and occupational assessment considered by many Fortune 500 companies to be the best and most validated personality test on the market. Additional items on the agenda included:
- Building Successful Teams: Exploring the assembling process based on providing a diversity of behaviors.
- Successful Organizations - A Guiding Star: Exploring how knowledge of and adherence to a guiding star will assist attendees in both leading the chapter and their career.
- Incentivizing, Motivating & Accountability: Recognizing the differences between people and tailoring incentives to properly motivate.
- Navigating Difficult Conversations: Providing insights to help attendees navigate through challenging conflicts in their associations.
- Strategic Goal Setting and Planning: Discussing the goal setting process and how it can be use to not only provide direction and focus to the chapter, but also aid in accountability and motivation in all aspects of the attendee's life.
- Etiquette Dining Program.
- Leading Like a Facilitator: Learning how to approach leadership more from the mindset of a facilitator and less as a top-down, formal leader.
Small groups were formed where attendees had the opportunity to learn from and speak with other students like (and different from!) them. Pictured above, a small group brainstorms and works through a challenge together, posing for a picture with everyone "crossing the finish line together."
Doug Opicka and Kate Richey, from Plaid, facilitated much of the curriculum for Presidents' Academy. Plaid is a professional services firm specializing in all aspects of personal and organizational development and change management. The firm provides programs and workshops to help organizations grow and succeed.
Key moments during Presidents' Academy included the National Honorary Initiation of transformational healthcare executive Daniel Mandoli and a keynote presented by
2018 Career Achievement recipient Elliott Ferguson on inspirational leadership. Ferguson is the President & CEO of Destination DC.
National Honorary Initiate Daniel Mandoli addressed participants in a compelling keynote which encouraged sticking to principles, starting with the end in mind, finding coaches who will give honest feedback and outlining what a true leader means. From left: LF President & Chair and PGP Randy Hultz, GP Tricia Smith, Mandoli and PGP Onuka Ibe.
In addition to presenting the keynote, Elliott Ferguson was recognized for 25 years of service to the Fraternity during the weekend. GP Tricia Smith presented him with his framed Silver Helmet.

Presidents' Academy participants received a certificate of completion and an exclusive Presidents' Academy pin, donated by Herff Jones, for the hard work they put in for this event. Special thanks to our Fraternity Board, Central Office staff, Plaid and other facilitators for helping make this event spectacular!
Through generous gifts to the
Presidents' Academy Fund, donors are able to directly support Presidents' Academy and play a leading role in investing in the future of this
award-winning program. An annual grant will be provided to Delta Sigma Pi to directly support Presidents' Academy, including chapter presidents' registration, travel and lodging and direct educational costs.
Support the Presidents' Academy Fund today!