COVID-19 Environment Task Force

May 27, 2020 – Delta Sigma Pi has created a task force consisting of Fraternity leaders to assess best practices in navigating the COVID-19 pandemic.

The task force will develop scenario planning to assist in overcoming both short-term and long-term Fraternity operational challenges caused by university and community responses to COVID-19, which includes on-campus, virtual and hybrid scenarios. All recommendations of suggested scenarios will be made by the Task Force to the Board of Directors. The Task Force will report to the National Organizational Development Committee Chair, Lisa Brown.

The following individuals have volunteered to lead the sub-committees (in parenthesis). Each Deltasig has contributed to the Fraternity through countless avenues and is a member of the Golden Council:

  • Kevin Gore, Missouri-Kansas City (Chapter Operations): Kevin will lead the sub-committee to discuss key topics (for both collegiate and alumni chapters) including CMP, chapter finances, operational support and reviewing chapter technology needs for supporting virtual meetings and events. He has served a wide variety of roles in Delta Sigma Pi spanning over 20 years. He served as Southwestern RVP (2014-2017) and currently is the District Director for Delta Epsilon (North Texas) and the South Central Provincial Community Service Chair. Kevin also held the position of National Bylaws Reviewer from 2017-2019.
  • Kris McDaniel, Central Missouri (National Events): Kris will take responsibility of the sub-committee making recommendations for how national events look with physical distancing measures and travel restrictions in place, including the possibility of virtual conferences LEAD. She has attended dozens of LEAD Schools and LEAD Provincial Conferences spanning over 16 years, and has served as chair on countless regional, provincial and national committees. She currently serves as the Midwestern Regional Awards Committee Chair, is a National Scholastic Development and Awards Committee Member, is the VPCO for the Kansas City Alumni Chapter and serves as the District Director for Nu Xi at Missouri-Kansas City.
  • Joe Ward, Lewis (IL) (Budget): Joe will take charge of the Budget sub-committee, which will make recommendations for a revised budget for next fiscal year, including forecasting adjusted revenues and expenses. Joe brings experience serving on the Board of Directors as Vice President-Finance (2007-2011) and Vice President-Organizational Development (2011-2013). He has also contributed to the success of the Delta Sigma Pi Leadership Foundation through many leadership roles, including as a LF Trustee and Committee Chair. Professionally, he is the Chief Financial Officer at Hawkinson Nissan/Kia.
  • Mark Chiacchiari, Pennsylvania (Long-term Planning): Mark leads the sub-committee that will examine lasting impact of the virus on our membership and organization. This includes shifts in university enrollment, online membership and governance limitations. Mark’s leadership experience includes serving as a member of the Board of Directors for almost 20 years. He joined the board as National Collegian of the Year in 1999, and concluded his term as Past Grand President in 2017. During that span he also served as Northeastern Provincial Vice President, Vice President-Organizational Development, and Grand President. 
  • Amanda Meeker, Truman State (MO) (Member Development): Amanda’s sub-committee will cover virus effects on recruitment and pledging, new member development and consultant and volunteer support of those programs. Amanda served on the Central Office Staff as an Educational and Leadership Consultant (ELC) from 2005 to 2007 and currently serves as the District Director for the Northern Kentucky Colony. Additional Fraternity leadership experience includes many roles within the Cincinnati Alumni Chapter (including President from 2007 to 2009) and a prior stint as DD for Theta Lambda (Xavier (OH)).
  • Claire Roberts, San Francisco State (Ritual): Claire and her sub-committee will focus on the effects of physical distancing will have on our Ritual, including initiation, the safe transportation and use of regalia, ritual training and education, and other related challenges posed by the virus. Claire is the recipient of the 2017 Lifetime Achievement Award, and currently serves on the National Professional Development Committee. She is also a Foundation Board Development & Nominations Committee Member. Over the years Claire has served as Vice Chair of the Leadership Foundation (2013-2014), Western PVP (1999-2001) and countless leadership roles within the San Francisco Bay Area Alumni Chapter. She also notably lead a Ritual task group in 2017 which made recommendations at Grand Chapter Congress in New Orleans.