Each year, Alpha Upsilon Chapter hosts the Michael Hayes 5k, to honor their brother who lost his life to cancer in 2004. Proceeds for the race benefit the Michael G. Hayes Fund, which provides funds to Miami students facing serious illness to pay out-of-pocket medical expenses while staying in school.
Traditionally, the race takes place in Oxford, Ohio's uptown area. President Jasmine Adkins and then VPCS Elise Owen decided to continue the race virtually. According to Elise, "It was easy to get our brothers, alumni and family members involved because of their love for Deltasig and Michael Hayes."
Planning a virtual 5k is no easy task - one these brothers took head on! "The virtual race took the platform of a social media campaign," said Adkins. "We reached out to alumni using our newsletter, other chapters in Ohio on Instagram, and of course encouraged our members to walk with their friends and family. We gave participants a full Sunday to go out for a walk or run and track their mileage."
In total, nearly 300 people participated in the virtual 5k, tracked through a Google form. After the race was concluded, the chapter had raised $3,600, which also included company sponsorships and fund grants members worked hard to secure.
When asked how students are maneuvering the COVID-19 pandemic, Jasmine says, "It has been challenging! This situation has definitely made us thankful for the relationships we have made as brothers and the support our chapter offers one another. we still have engaged as a chapter by bringing in guest speakers including professors, alumni, and even our University President's wife, Dr. Renate Crawford. We are working to give special acknowledgment to our senior class who has offered so much mentorship, friendship, guidance and knowledge. While this situation has come as a surprise, our chapter's relationships have helped us overcome the difficulties."
Jasmine and Elise emphasize that when it comes to continuing to serve others while operating remotely, every little bit counts, and to remember that regardless of where we are located or what we are doing, the relationships formed as Deltasigs will last a lifetime.

Using the hashtag #WhyWeWalk, brothers tracked participants and collected inspiring photos of those supporting the cause.