Since 2013, AmazonSmile, Amazon’s ordering platform that donated 0.5% of transaction amounts to a purchaser’s designated charity, has donated more than $4 million to global charities – including $10,103.12 to the
Delta Sigma Pi Leadership Foundation since it registered with Amazon Smile in 2014. However, in a budget-tightening move, Amazon has chosen to abolish the program by late February (no later than the 20th, according to the company). Instead,
the online-shopping giant will donate to a small number of handpicked organizations. Nonprofits will still be able to seek support from Amazon customers by creating their own wish lists.
In an attempt to cushion the blow, Amazon will make a one-time donation to participating charities equivalent to three months of 2022 earnings through the program. While this doesn’t represent an enormous line-item in the Leadership Foundation’s
budget, this does mean one less revenue stream is available. If you are able to help offset this loss in revenue, the Leadership Foundation would greatly appreciate your generosity. To make a donation to the Leadership Foundation, click here.