"To me, Delta Sigma Pi is like coming home. I moved across the country just two days after graduating knowing very few people in my new city, and I was terrified. Before I even signed a lease I had already been connected with the alumni chapter on Facebook; just knowing there were fellow brothers in my new city that would be there if I needed anything was comforting. In the two years I've been here, I have had five brothers visit and caught up with one I have looked up to since my pledging semester when she was in town on business. Each of those moments felt just like coming home--comfortable, familiar, and full of laughter and reminiscing.
I've also had the opportunity to come back to my own chapter (Alpha Epsilon) and peak on my experiences in D.C. That presentation meant so much to me as I was so happy to come home and have those feelings of warmth and familiarity with new and old faces. Walking into the chapter meeting, partaking in Ritual, and sharing the many lessons I've learned was, to me, coming home. We always say 'it's not four years; it's for life,' and I can personally vouch for the truth behind that saying. I cannot thank Delta Sigma Pi enough for the family it has given me, and the lifelong bonds it has created."
If you or a brother you know would like to be featured as a Brother of Delta Sigma Pi, please contact magazine@dsp.org.