From the Friday night events including a parade of more than 1,000 Deltasigs and the Natchez Riverboat, to the Grand President's Tailgate and dance, and Eddie Stephens' inspirational keynote speech "Extraordinary Leader," those four days brought memories that will not soon be forgotten.
Brothers collected over 100 lbs. of pop tabs, donated food, bottled water, toiletries, toys and $300 for the New Orleans Ronald McDonald House. Additionally, nearly 60 brothers and guests teamed up with Save Our Cemeteries to remove trash, weeds and other vegetation from around tombs in New Orleans' historical cemeteries.
Thank you to everyone who joined us in New Orleans!
Our 51st Grand Chapter Congress in NOLA brought members together to celebrate the end of another great Deltasig biennium! Highlights (in somewhat chronological order) included:
- Educational sessions and roundtable discussions on topics ranging from finance, IT/technology, accounting, marketing and more.
- The Grand President's Tailgate and Dance with games and "special guest" - the GEICO gecko.
- Recognition of donors and contributors to the Leadership Foundation.
- A once-in-a-lifetime Deltasig parade with more than 1,000 brothers and an outing to the Natchez Riverboat.
- Presentations by our National Collegians of the Year Jen Huynh (2016) and Olivia Malice (2017).
- National Honorary Initiation of Alden McDonald, president and CEO of Liberty Bank (pictured above).
- Election of Grand President Tricia Smith (pictured right), the re-election
of VP- Finance Kelly Rabin, the election of North Central PVP Cory Stopka, Northeastern PVP Dan Collins, South Central PVP Mark Wernette, Southern PVP Carrie Sagel Burns and Western PVP Crystal Justice, and the election of Regional Vice Presidents.
- Presentation of the Lifetime Achievement Award to Claire Sammon Roberts, San Francisco State.
- The Grand Chapter Congress Banquet, a formal affair that opened with a jazz band and Grand March by Fraternity leadership, emceed by Burton Bridges and ended with Conchita Dixon leading the "Rose of Deltasig."
NEXT UP: Atlanta! 
Save the date for August 14-18, 2019, and plan to experience firsthand all Congress has to offer.