I had an idea for a book that started in 2011. It was about my struggle with weight and how I lost over 60 lbs. and kept it off. The problem was that I had no idea how to get published. In June 2015, while on a flight to Las Vegas, I decided it was time to get that book started that was in my head for over four years.
The next morning, I created the outline while poolside on my iPhone at The Mirage Hotel and Casino. Now all I had to do was figure out how to publish my book, market it, and learn all about the little tedious things that are part of the author journey.
After spending hundreds of hours learning everything about book publishing I released my first book,
Eat Less and Move More in August 2015. It became my first bestselling book. Three years later I have multiple best selling books and it changed my life.
Are you ready to get published?
As a book publisher and coach, that is the first question that I ask a prospective client. Since 2015, I have published 13 Bestsellers on Amazon with my books available in Kindle, Paperback, and Audiobook. The best part is that I get to help my clients get published with a proven system that works.
Funny thing is that I never expected to become a book publisher. It all started when I published my third bestseller,
Positivity Attracts. Originally, I wanted to leverage my books into more speaking gigs. While my speaking gigs increased dramatically, something else happened.
In early 2016, I started to receive requests from readers and fellow authors asking me to show them how to write, publish, and market their books. I started to coach others about book publishing. My book coaching business grew to a point where I decide to leave teaching in Summer 2017 to focus on coaching and book publishing. Instead of teaching children English, math, history and science, I was now teaching adults how to get published.
It was a scary decision, but ended up being the best decision I ever made to leave teaching and focus on my publishing business. The result of getting my books published, coaching, and speaking opportunities allowed me the financial freedom to leave teaching, be my own boss, set my own hours, and help many others achieve their goals of getting published and becoming bestselling authors.
Never be afraid to take the plunge and chase your dreams because you only live once. The main thing people do not realize is that you must treat your book like a business. My main clientele are business owners who want to grow their businesses. The easiest way to grow a business is to write a book.
Creating a book isn't difficult. The main thing you need is to create ten talking points for your outline, preferably about your area of expertise. As I heard many times over the years, the riches are in the niches. My books are about book publishing, self-help and travel.
You can also produce your own audio book. I recommend an app called Rev. It is free to download and it is used to record audio. You would start by speaking out a chapter at a time. When you are done with a chapter, there is a transcribe button at the bottom of the app. At that point you would press transcribe and Rev will put your audio into text for one dollar per minute of audio. Within twelve hours you will receive an email from Rev with the text of your chapter. It is a great way to get your draft completed and makes getting published fool proof as you can record your book anywhere since your phone is always with you.
Repurposing content from seminars, coaching, online coaching programs, blogs, and courses are all great to add in your book. You may already have enough content to complete a book or two. Typically, a book should be at least eight thousand words. It doesn't have to be a long book as most people these days prefer a quick read and something they could read during a short flight.
Writing a travel book has many additional benefits including the opportunity to write off some travel costs. I have written two travel books about Maui and was able to write off a significant amount thanks to those books. Always check with your accountant or the person who does your taxes to make sure you are acting properly.
Writing a book makes you an authority in your area of expertise. The root word of authority is author. In the book you want to give away something of value like a free guide, checklist, or audiobook in return for the reader's email so you can build your readership. You can also offer a free strategy call at the end of the book. Client generation and warm leads is the greatest advantage of getting your book published and is an ideal way to grow your business. Adding one new client alone can cover the investment of getting your book published.
Revenue streams are critical and is why I always make sure my clients at minimum have a Kindle and Paperback version ready for their book launch. I also strongly suggest having an audiobook version as your goal is to reach as much of your potential audience as possible. The other benefit of writing a book is the potential tax benefits as many coaching and publishing costs are often tax deductible. Again, check with your accountant or the person who does your taxes.
Best part is that you get to share something amazing with the rest of the world. I read a statistic from the New York Times several years ago that stated over 81 percent of Americans want to write a book, but less than 1 percent end up doing so.
I strongly believe that everyone has a book in them. The best part about getting published is the opportunity to leave a living legacy as a legacy will last forever.
Paul Brodie is the CEO and Book Publisher of Brodie Consulting Group. He is also the host of the Get Published Podcast. You can get more information about his services and grab a free copy of his Get Published book at www.GetPublishedSystem.com