They journeyed over rivers and through valleys, past farms and flocks. When they got hungry, they'd help themselves to what Earth offered them through the unwitting generosity of local farmers.
One day, the boys came upon a high wall that guarded an orchard and blocked their path. It seemed impassible. For a moment, they considered turning back and ending their journey.
Then, in a flash of unspoken agreement, they took their caps off their heads and flung them over the impassible wall.
Now they had no choice but to continue.
-Based on a story by Frank O'Conner
The Leadership Foundation Board of Trustees, in conjunction with the Fraternity Board

of Directors, commissioned a study to gather the opinions and advice of many Deltasig leaders and supporters as the Leadership Foundation explores future opportunities to engage and build relationships with alumni.
As this study concluded, the Board of Trustees met in mid-April to identify future goals, objectives and strategies. The Board of Trustees set a clear direction which will take the Leadership Foundation to the next level, allowing it to increase alumni connections, raise more money on an annual basis to support the Fraternity and prepare it for a potential campaign in the next few years.
At a fundamental level, the Leadership Foundation is a vehicle for alumni to fulfil their lifelong commitment to Delta Sigma Pi. At the core of the Fraternity, there is a long tradition of passionate alumni stepping forward to ensure the Deltasig experience continues to remain high quality. As the Leadership Foundation continues to build on the successes of the past, the Trustees set a clear path to implement change and prepare the organization for the future with goals to:
- Evaluate and align giving opportunities.
- Redefine the Board of Trustee and volunteer structure.
- Develop and launch a major gifts program.
- Analyze and utilize increased data.
- Reinforce the organization’s case for support.
We have thrown our caps over the wall. The commitments made and the goals set at the April board meeting, show us that we, collectively, are journeying down a clear path that will transform the “way we do business.” As we build off the successes of the past, we are now ready to climb over that “impassable” wall.
Q&A with Katie Magoon, Leadership Foundation President & Chair
What was the catalyst for this change?
The Fraternity continues to offer our collegiate and alumni brothers a wide array of amazing development opportunities. We realize that our brothers have significant passion for supporting these programs, events and scholarship. With additional support from the Leadership Foundation, the Fraternity will have an amazing opportunity to expand these offerings. Therefore, the Foundation is interested in reaching out to new and existing donors to increase our ability to support these efforts.
Why is it important?
Our loyal donors have been extremely supportive of the Fraternity over time. "Throwing our cap over the wall", will require us to further develop our relationships with our new and existing donors. The support of an expanded donor base will allow us to provide amazing opportunities for our future business leaders.
What are you most excited about?
I'm most excited about the passion and interest we are hearing from our brothers. Although donors may vary in the programs that ignite their passions, there is a common theme amongst everyone - "I want to help". This level of excitement and engagement is truly inspiring!
What does the future look like?
I am excited about our future. The Leadership Foundation is moving in a direction that will be transformational. I look forward to working together to continually improve and advance Delta Sigma Pi as we strive to build tomorrow's business leaders.
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