By Alfred Moysello

No doubt the early history of Delta Sigma Pi has been ably told by Brothers Makay, Jacobs, Tienken, and others, and I am sure there is not much left for me to elaborate on.
Our first permanent quarters in November, 1907, were located in an English basement apartment on Washington Square South, near MacDougall Street, New York City, extremely handy to New York University on Washington Square East. The rooms were attractively furnished and decorated, and our first initiations were held there in a manner befitting our limited funds. Among the first to be initiated into the fraternity at the Washington Square rooms were George V. McLaughlin, Jack Guernsey, Walter Dean, John A. Waldron, and many others who are at present successfully directing large business and financial enterprises.
Our neophytes and prospective members were regularly invited to our monthly gatherings, which we held especially for the newcomers to get acquainted. Group study and various timely discussions were encouraged and many pleasant hours were spent together at the old Washington Square quarters to the advantage of all of the members.
I suggested at the first sign of spring that the fraternal activities of the chapter continue throughout the summer months of 1908, and accordingly we rented a house on the seashore at Sea Cliff, Long Island. There was always a good crowd in attendance and we had some wonderful times at Sea Cliff. The brothers that could generally be found at the house during the summer months were Makay, Dean, Burke, Ficker, Mann, Schulze, Jacobs, Beck, Tienken, and others. They were certainly a great bunch and many a pleasant memory has been retained by those who participated in any event that took place.
The following year a summer house was maintained at Sea Gate, and with an increased number of excellent neophytes and a new cook, the boys had many enjoyable times not easily forgotten.
The first few years of our existence at New York University were strenuous ones, but the four founders, together with the initiates of the first few years, plowed through many a storm, and it wasn't long before Delta Sigma Pi was well entrenched at N.Y.U.
I cannot help but express a word of praise for the fine and efficient international organization Delta Sigma Pi has developed, and this condition is entirely creditable to the officers, the careful selecting of neophytes and the splendid fraternal spirit displayed at all affairs held by the fraternity. I extend my best wishes to all members of Delta Sigma Pi for their health and continued prosperity, and also for the future success of our fraternity.