The Fraternity made history in January by hosting its inaugural Presidents' Academy. Delta Sigma Pi has a strategic opportunity to brand itself as more than a network of business professionals. Through Presidents' Academy, the Fraternity can more prominently establish itself as a leadership development organization that prepares business students for the evolving world. Attention to such differentiation will firmly entrench the Fraternity's position and ensure continued growth and strength.
Presidents Academy is a national training event designed to develop chapter presidents' leadership potential in a way that has immediate benefits to them personally, to the chapters they lead and to the Fraternity as a whole. Presidents' Academy will provide these young leaders with tangible skills that serve as the foundation for success in their business, civic and personal lives.
Chapter presidents intuitively understand and proactively seek out opportunities to be better trained as leaders. They often must operate in the gray space not covered by manuals or standard training. They are accountable to their college or university, communities, fellow chapter members and the Fraternity for setting the direction and tone for their chapters. Chapter presidents must make decisions when all options are exhausted or none seem to be without risk. Investing in these leaders will not only improve the operations of their chapters, but also inspire them and the brothers they lead to become stronger leaders throughout their life and career.
Corporate Talent Acquisition Manager at Enterprise Holdings, Dylan Schweitzer, was initiated by St. Louis Alumni Chapter during Presidents' Academy weekend. Brother Schweitzer and PGP Onuka Ibe conducted a Q&A after the initiation to inspire current chapter leaders. Brother Schweitzer talked about some of the challenges he has overcome in the workforce stating, "The things you learn today will help you throughout your career." From left: PGP Kathy Jahnke, Schweitzer, PGP Onuka Ibe and COO Jeremy Levine.

Ed Fuller, Wake Forest (NC), donated copies of his book, You Can't Lead With Your Feet On The Desk: Building Relationships, Breaking Down Barriers, and Delivering Profits, to all Presidents' Academy attendees. Having previously worked as Marriott International's President and Managing Director of International Lodging for more than 20 years, he has attended and presented at Deltasig events, including the 2012 National Volunteer Retreat and received his Golden Helmet in 2018 for his continued support to Delta Sigma Pi.

Presidents' Academy participants received a certificate of completion and an exclusive Presidents' Academy Pin, donated by Herff Jones, for the hard work they put in for this event. Special thanks to our Fraternity Board, Central Office staff, Plaid and other facilitators for helping make this event spectacular!