Effective immediately, the two-part collegiate Initiation Ritual is replaced with a revised single-ceremony initiation that eliminates the oral examination of pledges. This change was approved by a unanimous vote of the Fraternity Board of Directors at its regularly scheduled meeting on September 27, 2019
Please click the image below to watch a video address from Grand President Tricia Smith and Past Grand President Onuka Ibe, or read the below letter from the Board of Directors.
Additional information can also be found in our
A letter from Delta Sigma Pi's Board of Directors:
As we prepare to celebrate next month the 112th anniversary of the Founding of Delta Sigma Pi, our Fraternity is strong, and continues to grow. While proud of the organization’s accomplishments, the Board of Directors continually reviews how we can ensure the Fraternity remains strong for the next century. Society and the college environment are ever-evolving and it is our obligation to ensure Delta Sigma Pi evolves along with them. As such, the Fraternity Board of Directors conducted a holistic review of our organizational practices including our Risk Management Policy, our Pledge Education Program, and our Ritual. These organizational pillars must support our members, our chapters, our host campuses, and our respective business communities. Additionally, all aspects of our organization must align with our core organizational values and principles.
To ensure our policies, Bylaws and Ritual align with our values, the Board assigned task forces to review our Risk Management Policy, our Pledge Education Program, and our Ritual. Discussions were held, recommendations were reviewed, and experts were enlisted. Significant hours were spent working with Holmes Murphy, the leading risk management experts in the Greek community and our insurance broker, to review our policies and practices regarding risk management. This was done to ensure all actions of the Board are in the best interests of our members and the long-term viability of our organization.
At Grand Chapter Congress in August, multiple proposals, some of which came from collegiate and alumni chapters, were reviewed to change Bylaws and Ritual. The Board proposed a single initiation ceremony in place of the current two-part version – effectively eliminating Part 1 of Initiation. Oral examination during initiation is a direct violation of hazing as defined in our own policies, many university policies, and in many state laws, and as such is also in conflict with Delta Sigma Pi’s principles. The proposal did not meet the 75% voting requirement for adoption.
The Board reviewed the discussion from Congress, specific recommendations that came from delegates, the values of our organization and previous historical action. We discussed the degree to which our Ritual aligns with the strategic vision of our future. After weeks of deliberation and debate, at the scheduled Board meeting on September 27 we used the authority entrusted to the Board by the Grand Chapter, our Bylaws, and our Ritual, to unanimously adopt the single ceremony. This historic decision was not made lightly, but was necessary to ensure the wellbeing of our brothers – now and in the future. Other language changes approved by the Grand Chapter have been incorporated into this new single ceremony.
This change takes effect immediately and we are working to distribute the new Ritual to all chapters by mid-October to ensure fall initiations are conducted using the newly approved ceremony.
Delta Sigma Pi has a unique and positive identity and has persevered and prospered for 112 years. As we look to the future, your Board of Directors is committed to ensuring a positive Delta Sigma Pi experience remains a keystone to our continued growth and future advancement. We are excited about how the continued alignment of our organization’s core pillars, direction, strategic priorities, and the values and principles we all hold sacred create a foundation of excellence, upon which we will continue to achieve an unparalleled Fraternity experience.
Tricia Smith
Grand President

Onuka Ibe
Past Grand President

Jodi Schoh
Vice President-Finance

Travis Brodbeck
2018 Collegian of the Year

Kristen Wilhelm
2019 Collegian of the Year

Dan Collins
Northeastern Provincial Vice President

Cory Stopka
North Central Provincial Vice President

Carrie Burns
Southern Provincial Vice President

Mark Wernette
South Central Provincial Vice President

Crystal Justice
Western Provincial Vice President

Bill Schilling
Executive Director