More than 60 Roundtable members attended a "southern-style" breakfast hosted to honor and thank these donors.
The Foundation created and launched the Deltasig Investors Roundtable in January 2019. The Roundtable recognizes those distinguished Deltasigs who financially support Delta Sigma Pi at a strategic level through annual gifts totaling $1,200 or more.
The morning included more than a full breakfast and fellowship. Past President & Chair Katie Magoon provided a quick, insider view, on the State of the Foundation. The newly elected President & Chair, Randy Hultz, then put the Roundtable members to work.
“The Deltasig Investors Roundtable is not just a recognition group or society,” said Hultz. “The word ‘roundtable’ signifies discussion and collaboration. Throughout the year, we will solicit and welcome ideas and feedback from this group. In other words, the Roundtable is the Foundation’s brain trust.”
Each table was asked to discuss and brainstorm two specific topics:
- How can Delta Sigma Pi better engage alumni outside of the traditional methods?
- How can the Chapter Leadership Funds be used to engage alumni who have a strong affinity to their chapter?
At the end of the breakfast, many alumni stayed in the room and continued the conversation. Trustees recorded the ideas and suggestions, which will be incorporated into ongoing strategy.
Throughout the year, Roundtable members will be engaged in a variety of ways. A Deltasig Investors Roundtable event will be hosted every year. A task force is currently exploring options for next year’s event, which will not coincide with a Grand Chapter Congress.
The Deltasig Investors Roundtable is the Foundation’s premier annual giving society. All gifts (unrestricted and restricted) in a given fiscal year (July to June) count towards an individual’s membership. The inaugural year (2018-2019) for the Deltasig Investors Roundtable had 88 individuals giving $1,200 or more to Delta Sigma Pi. Roundtable Investors make a true investment in the future of our brotherhood and ensure that a quality Fraternity and professional development experience is provided to future business leaders.

Deltasig Investors Roundtable attendees enjoy a southern-style breakfast hosted by the Leadership Foundation to honor and thank them for their dedication to Delta Sigma Pi.
For more information about the Deltasig Investors Roundtable, please contact Executive Vice President Tyler Wash at