Estate p

lanning is one of the most overlooked areas of personal financial management. It is estimated that 70 percent of Americans do not have an estate plan; many mistakenly believe that this process is for the wealthy or the retired. Estate planning is for everyone!
Estate planning is an important process that can help protect you, your family, and your assets. Proper estate planning saves you and your loved ones money, passes your assets in the way you desire, provides direction during incapacitation, determines care for your children, and bestows peace of mind.
National Estate Planning Awareness Week is the perfect time to make sure your affairs are in order in the event of sickness, an accident or untimely death. Contact your estate planning professional to begin your estate plan. If you already have a plan, it is a good time to review it to make needed adjustments to beneficiary designations or modify retirement accounts and insurance policies.
Through an estate or planned gift, you may leave a legacy that will allow Delta Sigma Pi to continue to offer a strong Fraternity and professional experience for generations to come. The most popular ways to include Delta Sigma Pi in your estate plans are through charitable bequests in a will and by designating Delta Sigma Pi as a beneficiary of financial assets.
By working with the Leadership Foundation, your planned gift goes toward the areas that you care about most. So whether you want to support leadership development, academic scholarships, or your chapter, the Leadership Foundation can help you set up your estate so that your gift goes where it can have the greatest impact.
Delta Sigma Pi's Living Legacy Society is a
special group of donors who play an important role in the advancement of Delta Sigma Pi. Membership is reserved for those who have named the Leadership Foundation as a beneficiary of their estate or have directed another planned gift to the Leadership Foundation. As a Living Legacy Society member, you join a distinguished group of brothers who have left a lasting legacy by providing support to future generations of Deltasigs.
For more information about the planned giving or the Living Legacy Society, please contact Executive Vice President Tyler Wash at