Originally installed in 1969, Eta Chi, Deltasig's 162nd chapter, was reinstalled in 2018 and has initiated over 680 members to date.
To celebrate 50 years, the chapter began planning in spring 2019. The idea of the celebration centered around the fall initiation. The chapter president created a special committee, led by brothers Katie Quon and Katelyn Mauricio to oversee the planning of the event. The committee, along with their chapter District Director and Regional Vice President, held monthly meetings to plan this momentous event. Invitations went out to alumni chapter members, local collegiate chapters, Cal Poly-Pomona faculty and staff, national leadership and Central Office staff.
"I was thrilled the current brotherhood of the Eta Chi Chapter chose to have this event! It was an excellent opportunity to catch up with some of my brothers who were collegiates at the same time as myself, visiting again with alumni brothers who were already alumni when I pledged in 1985 and getting to know the new generations of the brotherhood, some who had just been initiated that day!" -Richard Hanson, 1985
The chapter planned a day full of celebration beginning with initiating 15 new brothers. After Initiation, chapter members held tours of Collins College and the College of Business Administration for alumni who attended Initiation. This was a great opportunity for many of the alumni who had not yet seen the new CBA building, which opened in 2012.
The chapter worked with Pomona Valley Alumni Chapter to host a networking reception in the afternoon. Over 20 guests gathered to have lunch and share stories of their college days before heading to the evening banquet.
In the evening, brothers and guests gathered at the Kellogg West Conference Center for a formal dinner and program to honor the past 50 years. The evening was hosted by collegiate brothers Kevin Phan and Alejandro Diaz. Speakers at the ceremony included Golden Council member Adrian Avalos, Eta Chi’s first female initiate Rachelle Cardona, 2018 Eta Chi colony president Deniece Santos, and current Eta Chi president William Tran.
"It was an amazing night commemorating 50 years of Eta Chi - past, present, and future. I'm so happy we are able to celebrate this milestone together. Eta Chi is back and stronger than ever! Can't wait to see what the chapter accomplishes in the next 50 years." -Deniece Santos, 2018
With over 100 attendees at the banquet and more than 25 of them Eta Chi alumni, it seemed like the perfect opportunity to do an “Eta Chi Countdown” similar to that done at Grand Chapter Congress. Led by South Pacific RVP Erica Kolsrud and Eta Chi District Director Louise Santos, the room cheered on as we counted the years of brotherhood. The last group standing were initiated 45 years ago and even had a scrapbook they shared with attendees illustrating their times in college.

“It was a great event seeing brothers, past and present, celebrating together. I was most moved by the number of brothers in attendance who had been initiated 45 years prior and still in contact with each other who found the time to attend this important event in Eta Chi history.” - Tony Coe, 1984
The evening programming concluded with the newly initiated brothers being given their first official set of letters and a raffle for attendees. From there the rest of the night was for photos at the photobooth, meeting alumni, and alumni reconnecting with their fellow brothers. To help commemorate this event, guests were given a mug with the coat of arms of Delta Sigma Pi and the Cal Poly Pomona College of Business logo to take home with them.
Other guests in attendance were from the Pomona Valley, Los Angeles, Long Beach Pier 9,and Orange County alumni chapters, along with Delta Sigma at Loyola Marymount and Lambda Sigma at Cal State-Fullerton.
"Amazing event! When I look at the collegiate brothers I see pride in the history they share with previous graduating classes. And every alumnus I spoke to from the early years of the chapter expressed pride in the quality of the current chapter and such a well run event. Thank you Eta Chi for reminding me of all the reasons I love this Fraternity in the first place. Congratulations!” - Sathon Phowborom, Los Angeles Alumni Chapter President
Congratulations once again to Eta Chi on reaching this milestone and we look forward to seeing the chapter continue to further a higher standard.
Written by: Katelyn Mauricio, Cal Poly-Pomona