
n the Delta Sigma Pi Hub was launched in summer 2012, it was described in
The Deltasig magazine as "a web-based tool that allows officers at all levels to manage chapter data more effectively," and promised to "make everyday chapter processes simpler and make data more accessible to chapter officers and volunteer leaders." Nearly eight years later, the Hub has undergone many updates and tweaks while striving to achieve those lofty goals. However, no single update has been as significant as the recently launched overhaul of the collegiate chapter dashboard.
The Hub is comprised of many modules, including a calendar, forms, reports, membership and officer listings, and many more. One module though that never seemed to reach its potential was the Chapter Dashboard. Intended as a static source for "go-to" information, officers at both collegiate and alumni volunteer levels have shared that it fell short of meeting expectations.
The new dashboard for collegiate chapters has been designed to make key chapter information more accessible. Chapter officers, and the volunteers that support them, can now find, in one place, information about the chapter's pledge program, membership history and status, and financial status (including recently paid invoices) all in one place.
The update also provides details about the chapter's Chapter Leadership Fund (CLF), a new offering from the Delta Sigma Pi Leadership Foundation that allows alumni to donate directly to chapters to help them with expenses associated with attending national educational events like LEAD and Grand Chapter Congress. Chapters can now see a real-time update of their CLF balance, and listings of donors who have recently contributed to the chapter.
Chapter efficiency and ease-of-use remain a top priority as we continue to invest in the tools that our chapter and volunteers use every day. A special thank you to those who provided the feedback which inspired these changes, and helped us pursue a #DSPHigherStandard.