Bill has travelled extensively and devoted countless hours to serving the Fraternity in various leadership
and educational roles. One of his more memorable endeavors was to provide collegiate members with the knowledge and expertise to attract, educate, and retain outstanding members. His recruiting seminars are legendary among multiple generations of
A group of alumni Deltasigs started the Tatum Fund efforts in the fall of 2020. In a few months, donations reached 60% of the Fund’s goal of $50,000. Continued donations will allow the Fund to expand its reach. The Fund will continue the Tatum legacy
of helping collegiate students to identify, attract, train, motivate, and retain outstanding people.
After the 30th Grand Chapter Congress in August of 1975, Bill wrote in the Deltasig magazine;

“Delta Sigma Pi has been faced with other serious challenges in the past. World War I begun during the infancy of the fraternity. The Depression of the 1930’s caused critical problems in the United States which were reflected in fraternities.
World War II caused practically all fraternity activity to cease for five years. There will be other challenges ahead for the Fraternity. These affect, the Fraternity, but are not life and death matters… What is a life and death matter is membership
recruitment… Without new members in the chapters, the whole alumni organization also soon ceases to exist… Commit yourself now to building membership in your chapter.”
Bill’s comments are still relevant today as our chapters have had to readjust and embrace a new type of recruitment as we have added the COVID pandemic to the above list of societal challenges that Deltasig has faced during our history. Despite
the disruption and risks during 2020 and 2021, our collegiate members have made the most of virtual recruitment and Delta Sigma Pi has been able to maintain competitive membership numbers.
We are pleased to announce the establishment of the William W. “Bill” Tatum Leadership Fund to celebrate Bill’s longtime service and support. Annual grants will begin in 2022 to the chapter(s) that excel in fulfilling the Tatum legacy.