His first teaching experience was at Truman State University in Kirksville, Missouri where he was initiated as a faculty member into Iota Nu Chapter. After his initiation, he immediately became Chapter Advisor. He later served as the Chapter Advisor
for Alpha Eta Chapter at the University of South Dakota from 2013 to 2021. His only regret in the past 27 years as a brother was that he did not join Delta Sigma Pi during his undergraduate years.

Dan stands firm on his feelings about Delta Sigma Pi and what being a brother means to him. The ideals, the comradery, the traditions, and the ever-changing experiences have kept his membership fresh and ever present in his heart.
“I believe in stewardship to those things in life that are important. Time, talent, and treasure are gifts more valuable when shared. The time and talent I try to share professionally whenever asked. Treasure is a different story.
I give financial support to my local chapter for its scholarship and Chapter Leadership Fund and to the general fund to help where needs exist. As for why, that is simple. Because I can…and because I must! For those to whom much is given, much
is expected! As Delta Sigma Pi and life in general have blessed me, I must return that blessing by investing in our Fraternity … it is an easy choice to make!”
Dan’s commitment to Delta Sigma Pi has not gone unrecognized. He was named North Central Provincial Chapter Advisor of the Year in 2016 and 2019 and received his Silver Helmet in 2019 for 25 years of continued service to the Fraternity. Beyond serving
as a Chapter Advisor, Dan has also served as a Foundation Committee member and has attended more than 20 Fraternity events. At this point in his life he wants to have an impact on the organization far beyond the collegiate chapter level with a desire
to serve the larger Fraternity as a resource in whatever capacity he is needed. As in his chosen profession, his call as a Deltasig is to serve…and to have fun doing it!
We are excited to see where his journey as a Deltasig takes him next!