Mu Rho Celebrates 30th Anniversary

Jan 18, 2022 – Mu Rho Chapter, which was founded December 7, 1991 at Colorado State University, celebrated their 30th anniversary on December 3.

This was a night of celebration, a night of memories, and an opportunity for new everlasting connections attended by 90 brothers and guests. Throughout the special night, the chapter celebrated achievements including: initiating their 1,000th brother, rededicating their chapter charter, and recognizing some outstanding alumni and faculty brothers, including Chapter Advisor Vickie Bajtelsmit with her Silver Helmet. During the night, congratulatory videos from Grand President Cory Stopka and Rocky Mountain RVP Nick Rizzi were also played.

In addition to a number of collegiate and alumni members of the chapter, four founding members were in attendance: Christopher Hill, Linda Speer, Jessica Bloch-Brown, and Cory (Henderson) Kraft as well as founding faculty member, John Weiss. Other attendees included PVP Erica Kolsrud, installation Ritual team member and Golden Council member Jami Ball, Central Office staff member Jasmin Flores, Denver Alumni Chapter members and other area alumni. 

With the support of business sponsors IRGC Bids and EXP Realty, the chapter was able to announce $1,000 toward their Chapter Leadership Fund to help brothers attend the spring 2022 LEAD Western Provincial Conference. 

The planning for this event began back in fall 2020 after meeting with founding colony president Jessica Bloch-Brown.

Many Ideas got tossed around and in the end it all came together for a great night of celebration.

Mu Rho was happy to come together with all of those who have given back to Delta Sigma Pi and celebrate their years of success and those who have made a difference for years to come. It was a beautiful venue, a great dinner, a night full of activities, and a night to remember. This is the true definition of Deltasig for life!

Mu Rho is excited to start planning ahead for their 40th anniversary celebration!