Haley joined the Central Office staff in 2019 as an Educational and Leadership Consultant (ELC). After serving as the founding President of Phi Chi Chapter and spending most of her collegiate experience focused on Delta Sigma Pi, she wanted to continue
her involvement with the Fraternity in ways beyond volunteering.

“[The Fraternity] gave a lot to me in the sense of learning, growth and building relationships so I wanted an opportunity to give back to the Fraternity.”
The highlight of her time as an ELC was seeing the chapters she worked with improve, watching first-hand the difference she was able to make in the lives of her collegiate brothers and memories she was able to make with her coworkers on their continued
crusade to leave the Fraternity better than they found it. In 2021, Haley ascended to the role of Membership Services Coordinator, where she gained more hands-on experience enhancing engagement opportunities for collegiate and alumni brothers.
A piece of advice that Haley would give to younger Deltasigs is to take advantage of the opportunities this organization gives you.
“Make sure you go to LEAD Schools, LEAD Provincial Conferences and Grand Chapter Congress because you never know who you’re going to meet or what opportunities will come from those. This organization will always give you the chance to grow
and develop, it’s just up to you to take them.”
Haley recently accepted a role as a field sales representative for Shottys, a gelatin-shot based company and her territory will include all of the East Coast.
Thank you Haley for the hard work, dedication and charisma you brought to the Central Office staff and we will continue to root for your success.
If you are interested in being an Educational and Leadership Consultant (ELC), resumes are being accepted and reviewed year-round. If you would like to learn more, send your resume to our Director of Chapter Services at havens@dsp.org.