Juneteenth, also known as Jubilee Day, Emancipation Day, Freedom Day and Black Independence Day, marks the celebration of slaves being freed in Texas in 1865. The announcement of emancipation spread throughout the south over the course of several weeks, which is where the history of ‘Juneteenth’ comes from – symbolizing no specific day for the celebration to start or end. Celebrations date back to 1866 where church-centered communities gathered in Texas. The celebrations quickly spread throughout the south and became more prevalent in 1920s and 1930s. Last year, the US Government named Juneteenth an official holiday, continuing the dedication and honor of the importance of the Emancipation Proclamation to the United States.
Executive Director Jeremy Levine explains “As a Fraternity, we must continue to review our policies and practices to ensure all aspects of our operations live up to our ideals and mission to be more inclusive. The holidays of Central Office are no exception and another small but significant way we can ensure we are continuing to build an inclusive environment.”
For 2022, the Central Office will be closed on Monday, June 20, as Juneteenth falls on a Sunday. Although many collegiate members are not on campus during that time, chapters should consider using the holiday as a time to educate and remind their members about how Delta Sigma Pi can be an even more inclusive organization.