As we gear up for Alumni Day on April 25th, we would like to highlight some of our alumni volunteers! Share your own messages of gratitude for alumni brothers throughout the month on social media. Don't forget to include #DSP425!

Dwain Celistan, Loyola-New Orleans, has been volunteering as a webinar presenter over the last two years. Watch the recordings of those webinars in Deltasig University!
Let's learn more about Dwain:
- Residence: Hinsdale, IL
- Profession: Executive Recruiter at DHR Global
- Why Do You Volunteer? I believe there are lessons I’ve learned that can be shared with others so they can achieve their goals.
- What do you do in your spare time? I enjoy traveling, golfing and smoking cigars.
- What is something you can’t do? Stop working and relax. I believe there is more to achieve and accomplish despite having worked for nearly 40 years!
- Besides Delta Sigma Pi, what is your favorite type of pie? Apple Pie a la mode
- This or That?
- Salty or Sweet
- TV or Movie
- Museum or Zoo
- Winter or Summer
- Purple or Gold
Are you interested in volunteering? Learn more about volunteer opportunities and share your interest by completing our volunteer interest form.