Founders' Day Challenge Raises Over $108,000

Nov 16, 2022 – The Leadership Foundation hosted its second annual Founders’ Day Challenge November 5-7 to raise money for Chapter Leadership Funds.

Last year, the Delta Sigma Pi Leadership Foundation introduced the Founders' Day Challenge as a vehicle to raise money for Chapter Leadership Funds (CLF) to help chapters better afford sending brothers to LEAD events and Grand Chapter Congress. 

The second annual Founders' Day Challenge provided a resounding success with more than $108,000 raised. Delta Sigma Pi is grateful for everyone’s contributions and appreciate the impact this generosity will make in helping subsidize Chapter Leadership Funds and enable more brothers to participate in Deltasig conferences and events.

Congratulations to the top six contributing chapters, which are designated into three tiers based on chapter size. Each will receive a $500 donation to their CLF to enhance their accumulated funds. They include:

Mu Pi, Penn State-Erie, $2,339
Epsilon Upsilon, New Mexico State, $2,049

Delta Iota, Florida Southern College, $3,648
Iota Nu, Truman State University, $3,038

Epsilon Rho, University of Tampa, $7,606
Alpha Kappa, University of Buffalo, $3,814

Atlanta led the way among alumni chapters, raising just over $2,500. Altogether, 139 chapters received donations that support their CLFs. Several brothers offered thoughts about why supporting the Founders' Day Challenge and being Deltasigs were important to them.

"Pledging Delta Sigma Pi has been one of the best decisions of my life! I give back to provide the same opportunities to the collegiate brothers of today." -- Heather Ferguson, Tampa (FL), who raised over $2,000 for FDC

"I am happy to support my friend brothers of the Tampa University Delta Sigma Pi Chapter. I am sure you will find ways to use this money in productive, positive ways." -- Mark Wilcox, Epsilon Rho donor 

"My pledge signifies how many years I've been a member of Epsilon Rho! The memories of [the University of Tampa] and Delta Sigma Pi are among my most cherished, not to mention the wonderful people I met along the way!" -- Kathleen Murray, Epsilon Rho donor

"I am fundraising so that my chapter can send more brothers to LEAD and GCC next year to network, learn, and grow professional skills." -- Madison Johnston, Florida Southern