In this role as campaign chair, he will not only raise money for the Delta Sigma Pi Leadership Foundation, but also highlight the influence of our Delta Sigma Pi alumni throughout the country.

When asked about his experience in Delta Sigma Pi, he stated, “I have fond memories of my time in Delta Sigma Pi at Indiana State University. At that time, I was still learning about business and the business tours, corporate speakers and interactions
with alumni and brothers helped me to become more professional. I learned a lot and Delta Sigma Pi helped me transition to the next phase of my career.”
Vaughn came to the University of Tampa in August 1984 as the coordinator of the Department of Marketing and as the holder of the Max H. Hollingsworth Endowed Chair of American Enterprise. Since then, he has served as director
of the MBA program, dean of the College of Business and Graduate Studies and co-chief academic officer. He became president of the University in January 1995.
Under his leadership, the University has entered a period of growth and expansion
unlike any in its previous history. Since 1995, the University’s annual budget has grown from $28 million to $135 million. The record growth has fueled dynamic improvements in both academics and student life. Since 1997, approximately $210 million
of construction has been completed or is underway.
Vaughn began his academic career at Bradley University as a faculty member and chair of the marketing department. Continuing his academic career at UT, he served more than 20
years as a faculty member and in administrative leadership positions prior to becoming president.
Vaughn has a bachelor’s degree in marketing and an MBA degree from Indiana State University, along with a Ph.D. in marketing
from the University of Georgia. He has attended more than 30 workshops on strategic planning, fund raising, corporate quality, marketing research, multivariate statistics, various university management topics, and international business. At Harvard
University, he attended the Institute for Educational Management (IEM) in 1994 and the New President’s Seminar in 1995.
Dr. Vaugh is committed to help Delta Sigma Pi reach our goal of raising $75,000 for the 2023 Alumni Day Drive. To make a donation and/or join our fundraising team, please visit: