More than 100 brothers and guests joined us for camaraderie and fun, while learning updates about the Fraternity and the Leadership Foundation.
Grand Rapids
Deltasigs from the Grand Rapids area joined PGP Tricia Smith, ED Jeremy Levine, Huron RVP Anna Trenshaw along with other Fraternity leaders and Central Office staff at Fowling Warehouse on Friday, February 3. Brothers enjoyed a friendly game of fowling
(think bowling with a football) while making new connections.
Kansas City
Area alumni along with brothers attending the South Central LEAD Provincial Conference gathered at Cooper's Hawk Winery on Thursday, February 9. Attendees caught up with old friends while meeting new ones while enjoying a wide array of appetizers from
the restaurant. PGP Tricia Smith provided an update on the recent accomplishments of the Fraternity and Leadership Foundation, as well as discussed the strategic vision for the future.
Members of the Kansas City Alumni Chapter were in attendance to welcome the local alumni and encourage ongoing communication and engagement.
Brothers from the Indianapolis area along with brothers in Indy for the North Central LEAD Provincial Conference joined National leadership and Central Office staff at the Sun King Brewery Downtown on Friday, February 24. Attendees were treated to a Mexican
snacks, while being able to enjoy beverages from the local brewery. North Central PVP Nicole Orlando provided an update on the recent accomplishments of the Fraternity and Executive Director Jeremy Levine provided an update on the Leadership Foundation.
Alumni Contact Hanna Brown was in attendance to welcome alumni and encourage them to help support starting an alumni chapter in the area.

Area alumni along with a few other brothers attending the Western LEAD Provincial Conference assembled at the Hilton Bellevue Thursday, March 9. Brothers and guests enjoyed an evening catching up with brothers and making new connections while also learning
about Delta Sigma Pi’s Northwest Expansion project. Executive Director Jeremy Levine provided additional updates on the Fraternity and Leadership Foundation.
Deltasigs from the Portland area met up with Fraternity leaders and Central Office staff at Steeplejack Brewing Co. on Tuesday, March 14. Of the local attendees, only two had met prior to this event, so much engagement and talks of bringing the
Portland Alumni Chapter back to an active status. Many discussions were had about the Fraternity’s local expansion efforts to include Oregon, Washington and Idaho. Executive Director Jeremy Levine provided an update on the Fraternity and Leadership
Brothers enjoyed a great reception at the Doral Bar and received an update on the current activities and ways to get involved with Deltasig. Executive Director Jeremy Levine and Leadership Foundation Executive Vice President Jeanine Triplett
were in attendance and enjoyed meeting with many Deltasigs during the reception and at other times during their trip in the area.
The Fraternity is hosting a number of local alumni receptions this year, with the goal of engagement and networking. Keep an eye out for future events!