Updated bylaws are available online at dsp.org/bylaws.
- Article II, Section 7 was amended to remove the ability for a delegate at Grand Chapter Congress to proxy their vote to the Executive Director.
- Article II, Section 11 was amended to move the provincial boundary line between the North Central and Northeastern Provinces and to move the chapters of the East Central Region into the North Central Province, effective upon passage. During a special North Central Provincial Council meeting, the Province formalized this change, recreating the former East Central Region, now in the North Central Province.
- Article VII. Section 2 was amended to improve clarity around when and how a Provincial Council can meet, improving ability for chapters to be part of organizational change processes. The amendment adds language to allow the Provincial Vice President to call a special Provincial Council meeting and improves clarity around actions of the Provincial Council between meetings.
- Article XI. Section 1 and 2 were amended to remove the amounts of the alumni chapter charter and franchise renewal fees from Bylaws. It also allows the Board of Directors to adjust these fees, within limits, without a vote of the Grand Chapter.
- Article XVII. Section 12 will be removed from Bylaws, removing the Scholarship Key Program from Bylaws allowing the Board of Directors to review and adapt the program.
- Article XVIII. Section 2 and 3 and Article XIX. Section 3 and 4 were amended to confirm the ability for Regional Vice Presidents and Provincial Vice Presidents to submit change amendments of Bylaws to their respective Provincial Councils. It also eliminates confusion on when proposals must be submitted for Provincial Council meetings.
- Ritual Article VIII. Amendments to the Ritual within the Regulations Governing the Ritual of the International Fraternity of Delta Sigma Pi were amended to confirm the ability for Regional Vice Presidents and Provincial Vice Presidents to submit Ritual amendments to their respective Provincial Councils. It also eliminates confusion on when proposals must be submitted for Provincial Council meetings.
The following Resolution was also approved:
- The Board of Directors/Grand President shall bring legislation for delegates to vote on prior to fall 2024 that supports a Board of Directors (responsible for strategic advancement) separate from a management team (responsible for day-to-day activities).
Additional bylaws amendments regarding the membership of the Grand Chapter and allowing all members to submit bylaw amendments were not adopted. Ritual proposals regarding the meaning of the color red, use of the term “headmaster”, the honorary initiation ceremony and allowing all members to propose Ritual amendments were also not adopted by the Grand Chapter.

Chapter delegates prepare for elections held Saturday morning of Congress. From left: Megan Jobe, Eastern Illinois; Alfredo Contreras, Ball State (IN); Myles Sanford, Indiana State; Yongxing Tang, Indiana; and Danta Wright, Illinois.
To request a copy of the full meeting minutes, please email deltasigmapi@dsp.org. To submit a recomendation to the Board of Directors, please complete the official recommendation form and submit it via email to the Grand President and Executive Director. Other ideas or suggestions may be sent to ideas@dsp.org. If you’d like to get involved in a committee,
please complete our volunteer interest form.